This is how clayey sand soils contaminated with gasoline at concentrations between 5 and 12 % can behave like gravels, well-graded sands, clayey gravels, and even poor graded gravels, mixtures of gravel and sand with few or no fines, throwing CBR values higher than 30 %, inclusive.
This (主语)//is(系动词)// how(引导表语从句连词:作表语从句方式状语)// clayey sand soils (表语从句主语)//contaminated with gasoline (表语从句主语的后置定语)//at concentrations between 5 and 12 % (状语)//can behave (谓语)//like gravels, well-graded sands, clayey gravels, and even poor graded gravels(状语),// mixtures of gravel and sand with few or no fines,(同位语)// throwing CBR values higher than 30 %, inclusive(结果状语).
inclusive adj.首末项包括在内的;包括一切项目在内的
Training will commence on 5 October, running from Tuesday to Saturday ,inclusive.
培训将于 10 月 5 日开始,从星期二(含)到星期六(含)。
(1)from April to June inclusive 从4月到6月(包括4月和6月〕
(2)from 15 to 20 ,inclusive 从15到20〔包括15和 20〕