I confess there is no woe like his correction, nor no such joy on earth as in his service.
nor no肯定是错误的。
有时候文学作品中为了体现人物的身份和文化水平,故意保留人物对话中的语法错误。例如,电影或小说中常会看到或听到警察抓住一个黑人时,黑人说:I didn't do nothing! 这是语法错误,但黑人就是这么说的。
PROTEUS: My tales of love were wont to weary you;I know you joy not in a love-discourse.
VALENTINE: Ay, Proteus, but that life is alter'd now;I have done penance for contemning Love,Whose high imperious thoughts have punish'd me With bitter fasts, with penitential groans,With nightly tears, and daily heart-sore sighs;For, in revenge of my contempt of love,Love hath chas'd sleep from my enthralled eyes And made them watchers of mine own heart's sorrow. O gentle Proteus, Love's a mighty lord,And hath so humbled me as I confess There is no woe to his correction,Nor to his service no such joy on earth. Now no discourse, except it be of love;Now can I break my fast, dine, sup, and sleep,Upon the very naked name of love.