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最佳答案 2020-01-19 14:24




(1)Everyone faces changes; different ones at different times.

(2)Everyone faces changes but different ones at different times.

(3)Everyone faces changes and different ones at different times.


(1)We all handle the same challenges differently; we all have different results.

(2)We all handle the same challenges differently but we all have different results.

(3)We all handle the same challenges differently and we all have different results.




(1)分号用于连接两个关系紧密的句子。当两个或多个分句都是独立的主句(不是从句),而且它们之间没有并列连词如and, or, but, for, nor等连接时,就要考虑使用分号进行分离。
The difference is only very slight; I can hardly see it. 

I love you in that dress ; it really suits you. 



(2)当第二个分句以某些过渡词如however, nevertheless, of course,for example, on the contrary, consequently, as a result 等开头适宜用分号。
Everyone knows he is guilty; of course, it will never be proved. 

I missed the early plane; however, I still made the meeting. 


The notice shall include the following information: your name, address and number of your account; details of the complaint or error; and any other information requested by us.
通知应当包括下列信息:您的姓名,地址以及您的账户号码; 投诉或者错误的详情;以及我们要求的任何其他信息。

Our recommendations for cutting costs include the following: send some of your staff to work from home to save on the cost of office space; cut business trips that don't generate revenue; take advantage of discounts suppliers offer for paying invoices early; use energy-saving equipment such as energy-saving lamp.



(1)把没有连词连接而意思上都有联系的句子连接起来 (可以用句号,但这时意思会被断开;也可用逗号,可能力量较弱不能把两句拉在一起;也可用冒号,但现在这样用时比过去少了):

It won’t last long; it’s too weak.

He is a clever fellow; even his enemy admits it.

I love you; I worship you; I want you.

He is content; he lives happily.

(2)把内部包含有逗号的两个句子连在一起 (这时不宜用逗号):

Dick is a generous, large-hearted person; but John, Mary and some of his friends are selfish people.

 (Cf. Dick is a generous man, but John is a selfish fellow.)

Alan ran his business carefully, methodically, and efficiently; and he was a great philanthropist, too.

He has three wives:one, who married him 20 years ago; a second, who was a rich widow; the third, who has already married five times.


He studies hard; moreover, he has to work for his living.

He has squandered all his wealth; therefore (或as a result), he has to beg his bread.

(4)用在两个并列从句或两个短语之间 (这时也可用逗号,但对比性较弱):

We know that country life is more quiet than city life; that it is more healthful; that it is happier.

To work eight hours; to sleep eight hours; to do other things eight hours—that is the best way for man.

That depends upon who do it; how they do it; and when.

(5)用在such as, that is这类词前:

We learn several subjects; such as (or e. g.) chemistry, and physics. (These are some of the subjects we learn.)

We learn several subjects; that is (or i. e. viz, to wit, namely), chemistry, physics, maths and biology.

 (These are all the subjects we learn.)


We learn several subjects, namely chemistry, physics, and mathematics.

We learn several subjects:namely, chemistry, physics, and mathematics.

We learn several subjects, namely, chemistry, physics, and mathematics.


We learn such subjects as chemistry and physics. 

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