
Before he died, the good earl of Kent, who had still attended his old master's steps from the first of his daughters' ill-usage to this sad period of his decay, tried to make him understand that it was he who had followed him under the name of Caius; but Lear's care-crazed brain at that time could not comprehend how that could be, or how Kent and Caius could be the same person: so Kent thought it needless to trouble him with explanations at such a time; and Lear soon after expiring, this faithful servant to the king, between age and grief for his old master's vexations, soon followed him to the grave.

这里Lear soon after expiring是表示在李尔王死了之后吧,正确的顺序不应该是 soon after Lear expiring吗?


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最佳答案 2019-04-07 14:36

同意曹老师对于soon after的解释,soon after在这里是单独做状语,修饰现在分词expiring,Lear soon after expiring是独立主格结构。大致意思:在李尔王去世以前,从他的女儿们初次虐待他到他衰败后令人悲痛的时期以来,善良的公爵kent一直陪伴在自己的老主人身边。kent设法让他明白,正是自己以凯厄斯之名一直追随着他。但是当时李尔王已经疯狂的大脑无法理解这一切是如何发生的,或者说无法理解kent与凯厄斯怎么成为了同一个人:因此kent认为在这个时候一切解释都是没有必要的,因为这只会增加他的烦恼;李尔王不久以后就去世了,国王这位忠实的仆人由于年老体弱加之对老主人去世的悲痛之情,不久也追随自己的主人进入了坟墓。

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其它 2 个回答


陈老师认为 and Lear soon after expiring为为名词+副词+介词+动名词结构,那么Lear在句子中做什么成分呢?不知陈老师如何将这个句子读下去的。

其实,expiring在此并不是动名词,而是现在分词,与Lear构成独立主格结构。after不是介词而是副词,soon修饰after,构成soon after副词短语(不久),作expiring的时间状语。Lear soon after expiring, 李尔不久就去世了。soon after也可以放在现在分词之后:Lear expiring soon after.


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陈才   - 英语教师

Before he died, the good earl of Kent, who had still attended his old master's steps from the first of his daughters' ill-usage to this sad period of his decay, tried to make him understand that it was he who had followed him under the name of Caius; but Lear's care-crazed brain at that time could not comprehend how that could be, or how Kent and Caius could be the same person: so Kent thought it needless to trouble him with explanations at such a time; and Lear soon after expiring, this faithful servant to the king, between age and grief for his old master's vexations, soon followed him to the grave.

在他死前,好心的肯特伯爵(Earl Of Kent),从他女儿们的第一次生病,到他衰败的这段悲伤时期,还在跟随他的老主人的脚步,他试图使他明白,是他以该犹的名义跟随他的;但是李尔那时候疯狂的头脑无法理解这是怎么回事,也不明白肯特和该尤斯怎么会是同一个人,所以肯特认为不必在这样的时候给他解释;李尔死后不久,这位忠心的侍从在年老和老主人烦恼的悲痛之间,就跟着他走到了坟墓里。

lear soon after expiring为名词+副词+介词+动名词结构

=相当于soon after Lear expiring”


(soon after =副词soon+介词after 意思在..之后不久)

(1)soon after sth/doing sth 某事/做某事不久之后/之后不久

They were married with all the trimmings, soon after graduation.  


The plane developed engine trouble soon after taking off.  


The aircraft caught fire soon after take-off.  


(2)expire vi.气绝;死亡;故去 

He endured excruciating agonies before he finally expired.  


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  • Gaofangyuan 提出于 2019-04-01 11:30
