
There is no tree but bears some fruit. 没有树不结果。
这是一句谚语,老师解释说句子中的 but 不是并列连词,而是关系代词,在此句中用作主语。但我从未见过 but 用作关系代词的说法。请专家老师解释一下,非常感谢!

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最佳答案 2014-11-15 22:03

but 用作关系代词,等于that (或 who, which)... not。主句中通常有否定词(如 no, none 等)或者疑问词。例如:
No one is in the world but knows the Great Wall. 世上无人不知长城。
but 在从句中作主语。but knows 相当于 who doesn't know 。这样,整个句子就是双重否定,语气强于一般肯定句,有强烈的感染力。又如:
There is no one of them but is ready to help the people in trouble. 他们个个都乐意帮助有困难的人。(but is ready 相当于 who is not ready)
Who but knows it? (=Who [is there] that does not know it?) 谁不知道呢?

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其它 1 个回答




1. 主句部分必须是否定式或带有否定意义的词(no, little, few, hardly, barely, seldom, nobody, nothing...)。

2. but作关系代词相当于which/that/who + 否定式的谓语


There is no mother but loves her own children.没有不爱自己孩子的母亲。(butloves = who/that does not love)

I find few but admire him for his talents. 我发现很少有人不钦佩他的才华。(but admire =that/who don't admire)

He hardly has problems but can be solved. 他简直就没有解决不了的问题。(but can be solved =which/that can't be solved)


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  • 胡楠道   提出于 2014-11-15 21:30
