a hole two feet deep为什么不是a two feet deep hole呢

1.a hole two feet deep 

为什么不是 a two feet deep hole?

2.two feet是名词词组吗? deep是副词吗?


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最佳答案 2019-01-12 15:31

two feet deep是形容词短语作后置定语,相当于定语从句which/that is two feet deep。


   a 1eaning tower about 180 feet high  一座约一百八十英尺高的斜塔

   a poor little boy, not over 12 years old 一个不超过十二岁的贫苦小男孩

许多形容词可以与某些词(组)或结构搭配构成形容词短语。当这些短语在句子中作名词的修饰语时, 应该后置, 其语法功能相当于一个省略形式的定语从句 (限制性或非限制性均可), 也就是说后置的形容词短语相当于省去 "which/who/that + be" 之后保留下来的表语。这种形容词短语的构成方式除了以上提到的以外常见的还有以下几种:

1. 两个或两个以上的形容词可以在一起由and或but连接而构成形容词短语。这种短语作后置定语时, 一般修饰具有泛指意义的名词。如:

He is a man rude but henpecked.他是一个粗暴而惧内的男人。

children innocent, lively and lovely天真而又活泼可爱的孩子

 (注: 此类形容词短语亦可作前置定语)

2. 有些形容词常与某些介词短语搭配, 作后置定语。如:

The leaders present at the meeting totaled eight.出席会议的领导共有八人。

This is a subject worthy of careful study.这是一个值得仔细研究的问题。

另外, 有些形容词 (表语形容词除外) 与介词搭配时, 我们还可以把它和其后的介词拆开, 即将形容词置于名词之前, 将介词短语置于名词之后。如:

a question different from this one = a different question from this one 一个与此不同的问题

但a student afraid of English不可用an afraid student of English一个怕英语的学生(afraid为表语形容词)

3. 少数形容词后面可以直接跟逻辑宾语, 用以构成后置定语来修饰名词。如:

She owns a diamond worth four thousand francs 她有一颗价值四千法郎的钻石。

a boy afraid (that) he can’t pass the exam 一个怕这次考试不能及格的男孩

a student confident (that) he will be able to pass the exam一个对通过考试很有自信心的学生

*有的语法书上认为形容词后面的that从句是状语从句, 有的认为是宾语从句。笔者认为这两种说法均有道理, 但总归是形容词和从句构成了形容词短语。如:

We are afraid that you'll not get here on time.

4. 有些形容词可以与后面的动词不定式一起构成可以置于名词之后的短语。如:

Lei Feng was a good comrade, always ready to help others.

雷锋是个好同志, 他总是乐于助人。

so...to do, too...to do和...enough to do等不定式惯用结构也可以用于修饰前面的名词。如:

questions so easy to answer容易回答的问题

problems too difficult to solve难以解决的问题

若被修饰的名词前面有不定冠词, 我们还可以用分隔形式。也就是将形容词放在不定冠词前面, 将不定式放在名词后面。

She is a nurse careful enough to tend patients. = She is careful enough a nurse to tend patients.


5. 少量形容词后面可以加-ing分词构成可以后置的短语。如:

peasants busy getting in crops 忙于收割庄稼的农夫们

a studentlong understanding the problem好不容易才弄懂这个问题的学生

6.后置的形容词短语还可常由 more...than, no more...than 和 not more...than 等比较级结构或 as...as 结构组成。如:

a student no more diligent than Tom一个和汤姆一样不勤奋的学生

a book as interesting as this one一本与此书同样有趣的书


She is a girl as clever as Mary. =  She is as clever a girl as Mary.



the baby asleep那个熟睡的婴儿

the boy afraid of exams那个怕考试的男孩  

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其它 2 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师

1.a hole two feet deep=a two-foot-deep hole 一个2英尺深的洞

为什么不是 a two feet deep hole?



a river ten kilometers long 一条10公里长的河

=a river which is ten kilometers long

=a ten-kilometer-long river一条10公里长的河

a rive fifty meters wide 一条50米宽的河

a river twenty meters deep 一条20米深的河

an ice five centimeters thick 一块5厘米后的冰块

a boy threee years old 一个8岁大的男孩


a ten-kilometer-long river

a fifty-meter-wide river

a twenty-meter-deep river

a five-centimeter-thick ice

a eight-eight-old boy

=a boy eight years old 一个8岁大的男孩 

=a boy who is eight years old一个8岁大的男孩 

2.two feet是名词词组吗? deep是副词吗?


deep adj.(从上到下/从前到后)深的,厚的 (英文解释:If something is deep, it extends a long way down from the ground or from the top surface of something.)

The water is very deep and mysterious-looking. 


Den had dug a deep hole in the centre of the garden.  


The wardrobe was very deep.  


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千千学堂   - 英语图书编辑

1. a hole two feet deep

为什么不是 a two feet deep hole?

答:a hole two feet deep中的two feet deep为后置定语,可转换成定语从句:

a hole which is two feet deep


a two-foot-deep hole


a hole two feet deep

= a two-foot-deep hole



a mountain 5000 feet high

=a 5000-foot-high mountain



2.two feet是名词词组吗? deep是副词吗?


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  • sealakewater 提出于 2019-01-11 00:42
