如何理解With 30 people in his firm...中with的用法

With 30 people in his firm, John is one of the only three men.
请问老师,with 在上句中的用法是什么?词性是什么?翻译是什么?
John is one of the only three men with 30 people in his firm.
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最佳答案 2014-11-13 08:43

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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)
with 在上句中的词性是介词,意思是“虽然”、“尽管”。
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唐 博  

同意黎老师的看法,句中的 with 为介词,With 30 people in his firm 为语法上所说的 with 复合结构(即介词with后接复合结构),句子意思是:约翰的公司有30人,只有3位男性,他是其中之一。

至于位置,从理论上看可以将with 30 people in his firm 放在句末(John is one of the only three man, with 30 people in his firm.),但要考虑它与前后文的衔接关系。

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He told me to be quiet. 他叫我安静。

句中的 me 是动词 told 的宾语,而 to be quiet 就是宾语 me 的补足语,而 me to be quiet 就是“宾语+宾语补足语”结构,两者合起来就叫复合宾语。


We are waiting for the rain to stop. 我们在等候雨停。(wait for 后面接带不定式的复合结构 the rain to stop

I believe him honest. 我相信他是诚实的。(动词 believe 后接带形容词的复合结构 him honest

He discovered her sitting near the fire. 他发现她坐在炉火边。(动词discover 后接带现在分词的复合结构 her sitting…

I’m trying to get it published. 我正设法让它出版。(动词 get 后接带过去分词的复合结构 itpublished

I won’t have him cheat me. 我不能让他欺骗我。(动词 have 后接不定式的复合结构 himcheat me,但不定式省略了 to

I have the car waiting. 我让汽车等着。(动词 have 后接带现在分词的复合结构 thecar waiting

I’m having a tooth out tomorrow. 明天我要拔一颗牙。(动词 have 后接带副词 out 的复合结构 a tooth out

We could hear the children at play outside. 我们可以听见孩子们在外边玩耍。(动词 hear 后接带介词短语的复合结构 the children at play

I like my tea very hot. 我喜喝热茶。(动词 like 后接带形容词的复合结构 mytea very hot


什么叫 with 复合结构?就是指介词 with 后跟一个复合结构(即 with 后接跟一个“宾语+宾语补足语”结构)。如:

She sleeps with the light on. 她爱开着灯睡觉。

He was asleep with his head on his arms. 他头枕着手臂睡着了。

With his wife away, he had to do all the housework. 他妻子不在,他得干所有的家务活。

With all this work to do, I won’t have time to go out. 有这么多工作要做,我就没有时间出去了。

I won’t be able to go on holiday with my mother being ill. 我母亲病了,我没法出去休假了。

She sat with her head bent. 她低着头坐着。

The room looks different with the furniture gone. 家具搬走之后,这房间变了样了。

With different methods used, different results are obtained. 采用不同的方法,得到不同的结果。


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  • 杨晓北 提出于 2014-11-11 13:42
