as it happens的as是什么词性(引导什么从句)

We met her only yesterday, as it happens. 我们只是在昨天才与她偶然相遇。

as 是连词吗,那as引导的是那种从句?

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最佳答案 2019-01-01 12:13

as it happens, as it happened 为惯用语,意为“碰巧、偶然”。用作补充性状语,说明主句描述的状态或事件是碰巧或偶然存在或发生的。对于这种惯用语,一般不需要再去扣语法,知道意思和用法即可。其中happen用现在时和过去时,意思相差不大,与主句的时态没有必然联系。


— used with it to describe something that occurs by chance

  • It (so) happened that the children were asleep when we called.

  • It happened to rain that day.

  • As it happened, it rained that day.

  • It (just so) happens that I know his brother.

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其它 2 个回答


We met her only yesterday, as it happens. = It so happened that we met her only yesterday.

as it happens是插入语。插入语有状语的性质,常起加强或缓和语气的作用。又如:

As things stands, we can accomplish our task in time.照目前情况看,我们能够按时完成任务。

She will study English or Japanese, as the case may be.根据可能出现的情况,他将学习英语或日语。

As it happens, growth in Europe has picked up in recent months, though a rising euro may slow it down again. 巧合的是,最近数月欧洲经济增长加快,尽管欧元的升值可能再次使之减慢步伐。

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陈才   - 英语教师

as it happened/as it happens 固定习惯搭配意思“ 碰巧

She told me the whole story exactly as it happened.  


As it happened so many years ago, I don't remember the details.  

因为年岁久远, 当时的具体情况已记不清了.

They were all out, as it happened.  

真巧, 他们全出去了.

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  • aprillie 提出于 2019-01-01 01:08
