5 as much与as such在文中的意思

Priya’s affair is neither a symptom nor a pathology; it’s a crisis of identity, an internal

rearrangement of her personality. In our sessions, we talk about duty and desire, about age and youth. Her daughters are becoming teenagers and enjoying a freedom she never knew. Priya is at once supportive and envious. As she nears the mid-century mark, she is having her own belated adolescent rebellion.

These explanations may seem superficial—petty First World problems, or rationalizations for immature, selfish, hurtful behavior. Priya has said as much herself. We both agree that her life is enviable. And yet, she is risking it all. That’s enough to convince me not to make light of her behavior. If I can help her make sense of her actions, maybe we can figure out how she can end the affair for good—since that’s the outcome she says she wants. It’s clear this is not a love story that was meant to become a life story (which some affairs truly are). This started as an affair and will end as such—hopefully without destroying Priya’s marriage in the process.


请问"as much" 与 "as such"在文中怎么理解?

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最佳答案 2019-01-03 10:54

as much是惯用语(idiom) , 知道它的意义和用法即可,不必分析语法。

《牛津》对惯用语as much的解释和例句如下:

as much:the same

Please help me get this job—you know I would do as much for you.

‘Roger stole the money.’ ‘I thought as much.’

所以,Priya has said as much herself. = Priya has said the same herself.

as such也可能是惯用语。但在本句却不是惯用语,而是介词as (作为)后接代词such作宾语,介词短语作方式状语。

This started as an affair and will end as such.

这件事以婚外情开始并将以婚外情结束。as such=as such a thing (指前面说到的affair)。后面紧接补充性状语——hopefully without destroying Priya’s marriage in the process. 希望在这个过程中不要破坏普利亚的婚姻。

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其它 2 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

1. as much 是个“习语”。有3层意思:也是那样的;同样程度;同样数量。

它是承前省略而产生的习语,相当于:as much as that; as much as mentioned。

2. as such 也是个“习语”。意思是:如所指的人或事物那样(前文提到的人或事)。

such 之后省略了被修饰语,由此such 变成了代词用法。相当于:as such a person ; as such a thing。

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陈才   - 英语教师

(1)as much 同样地;

I enjoy pleasure as much as the next person.  


Experts reveal only as much as they care to.  


Relax as much as possible and keep breathing steadily.  


(2)依其身份、资格或名义等, 本身

As such tensions increase, they loom larger in Russia's domestic politics. 这种紧张关系的不断加剧使其在俄罗斯国内政治中愈发凸显。

On farms the fox is considered vermin and treated as such.  


How can there be things as such?  


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  • Nicolas690 提出于 2018-12-30 18:44
