“从树上掉下来”应该翻译成:fall from the tree 还是 fall off the tree?请专家指教,谢谢!
此问题付老师、曾老师都给了我满意的解答,但今天上辅导班,老师用的是 fell down from。我觉得 fall 已经表示向下,没必要用 down。觉得辅导班老师用的 fell down from 是错的,请付老师、曾老师和其他专家指教,谢谢。
▲陈老师的解答详细,也很深刻,正因为 down 用作介词时有“沿着……而下”的意思,所以下面三句中的 from 都不宜省略:
John fell down from the tree and injured his back. 约翰从树上摔下来把背部摔伤了。
His clutch was not tight enough and he fell down from the branch. 他抓得不够紧,从树枝上掉了下来。
The little boy fell down from a chair and started screaming with pain. 小男孩从椅子上摔下来,疼得直叫。
之所以不宜省略句中的 from,是因为一个人在通常情况下不大可能 fall down the tree(沿着树滚下来)、fall down the branch(沿着树枝掉下来)、fall down from a chair(沿着椅子摔下来)——因为这种“沿着”似乎有点“困难”!
▲类似地,我们要说“从10楼掉下来”,通常是说:He fell down from the 10th floor.
通常不会说:He fell down the 10th floor.(因为一个人无法“沿着10楼掉下来”)
▲另外,请比较下面两句有无 from 的区别:
I jumped down the stairs. 我跳着走下楼梯。(指一级一级地跳着下来)
I jumped down from the stairs. 我从楼梯上跳下来。(指从楼梯上一下子跳下来)