as if从句分析

He turns away, as if finally realising that the faceless, flickering icons on his computer screen will not give him what he longs if引导的方式状语从句这里是将he realises变成了realise再加的宾语从句(that…longs for)吗?
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最佳答案 2018-12-23 18:50

He turns away, as if finally realising that the faceless, flickering icons on his computer screen will not give him what he longs for.


He turns away, finally realising that the faceless, flickering icons on his computer screen will not give him what he longs for.

现在分词作状语,具体为什么状语需要根据逻辑做出判断。不同读者理解不同,可能会分析成不同的状语。因此,有时作者为了强调分词作何种状语,则可在分词前加连词,连词有词义,则分词作何种状语就很清楚了。本句分词为方式状语,故作者在分词前加了as if这个连词。


如果as if后接限定分句, 句子则为:

He turns away, as if he finally realises that the faceless, flickering icons on his computer screen will not give him what he longs for.

所以这个句子中的as if finall realising并不是省略了he is/were,而是分词作状语,前面加了连词as if, 强调分词为方式状语。

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其它 1 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

He turns away, as if finally realising that the faceless, flickering icons on his computer screen will not give him what he longs for.

补充完整后:He turns away, as if he is/were finally realising that the faceless, flickering icons on his computer screen will not give him what he longs for.

用is 是陈述语气,用were 是虚拟语气。


英语语法规定,在某些状语从句中,当其主语跟主句的主语一致,而且含有be 动词时,可以把主语(一般是代词充当)以及be 动词一起省略。旨在使句子更加简洁和生动。


Mary often helped her classmates when (she was) free. (was 是系动词)

While (you were) walking the dog, you were careless. (were 是进行时的助动词)

John won't come to your party unless (he is) invited. (is 是被动语态的助动词)


She talked to the stranger as if (she were) absent-minded. 她和陌生人谈话时似乎心不在焉。

He opened the drawer,as if (he was) in search of something important. 他打开抽屉仿佛要找什么重要的东西。

She stood at the gate as if (she was) waiting for someone. 她站在门口好像在等人。

The teacher shouted at the boy as if (he was) angry. 老师朝孩子大喊大叫好似很生气。

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  • aprillie 提出于 2018-12-21 23:23
