come part-and-parcel with中part-and-parcel如何解释其成分

The process of trying to understand the range of psychological processes that come part-and-parcel with media images is fascinating.
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最佳答案 2018-12-06 16:44

The process of trying to understand the range of psychological processes that come part-and-parcel with media images is fascinating. 

part and parcel 短语名词,意为 an essential or integral component 即基本的或不可分割的成分。通常用于 be part and parcel of something这个惯用语中,表示主语是某件事的不可分割的、基本的部分或特征。说话人将这个短语名词用连字符连起来,临时杜撰了一个副词,相当于副词essentially或integrally,修饰with介词短语。with介词短语作come的定语。

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其它 1 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师

The process(主语)// of trying to understand the range of psychological processes(of 介词短语后置定语)// thatcome part-and-parcel with media images(定语从句作后置定语) is(系动词) fascinating(表语). 

come part-and-parcel with media images 意思 是随媒体影像一起的重要组成部分 part-and-parcel 名词短语意思"重要部分/必要部分”come为系动词

that come part-and-parcel with media images为定语从句修饰前面名词“processes” 

句子主干为“The process is fascinating=这个过程让人着迷/令人销魂

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  • JinjiKikko 提出于 2018-12-05 19:51
