It is said 从句中动词的时态

请问老师 It is said that 后引导的从句应该用什么时态? It is said that 是间接引语对吗?

我看到一个例句 It is said that he has got married.


Someone said 'He has got married.'

Someone said that he had got married.

It is said that he had got married.

按理从句应该用过去完成时不是吗?为什么还是用has got married?

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最佳答案 2018-12-01 14:41

It is said that he has got married.

这个结构中的that从句并不是间接引语。而是“据说...、人们都说..."之意。当你引用别人说的话时,说话的动作是过去的事件,不可能用is said这个一般现在时态。

这个句型中的that从句时态不受限制,可用现在时或过去时。但通常不用将来时。相应的主动语态的句子是:People say that...; They say that...。注意say为一般现在时,表示习惯意义,不是事件。即过去这么说、现在还这么说,以后也会这么说。

还可以转换为:He is said to have got married.

总之,主句的say或is said都是习惯意义,而不是事件意义。


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其它 1 个回答

黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

    It is said 后面 that 从句应该根据需要使用适当的时态。例如:

    It is said that his company is in trouble. 据说,他的公司陷入了困境。(《牛津英语用法指南》第三版417.1)

    His company is said to be in trouble. 据说,他的公司陷入了困境。(《牛津英语用法指南》第三版418.2)

    It is said that the King is making a good recovery. (摘自(英)Martin Hewings 著《剑桥高级英语语法》第二版中文版p.264)

    It is said that it will rain tomorrow. 据说明天有雨。(摘自牛津 外研社《英汉汉英词典》汉英词典p.395)

    It is said that he has got married.    

    It was said 后面 that 从句使用适当的过去时态(一般过去时、过去完成时、过去将来时等)。例如:  

    It was said that he had got married.

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  • Eglshlover 提出于 2018-12-01 12:57
