
Proof that the product incorporating the trade dress  has an established  place  in the market through such factors as unsolicited media coverage, extensive shelf space, licensing requests, and market share are  likewise  helpful in establishing acquired distingctiveness.


  1. 我理解的句子主干如下,但网上又没能找到proof 后接are 的依据,所以有些糊涂:

    proof are likewise  helpful in establishing acquired ditinctiveness.

  2. unsolicited media coverage: 可否理解为自发的媒体报道

  3. licensing  requests: 类似这种ing +名词的表达, 或者the packaging or labeling of a product,如何准确理解呢?名词修饰名词的翻译或理解,尚未完全掌握,又遇到这类含有ing的修饰成分,又觉得回到了糊里糊涂的状态。

  4. an established place in the market :可否翻译为“市场中已确立的地位” ?


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最佳答案 2018-12-03 12:34

分析这个句子之前,首先应该判断这是否完整的句子?是否需要上下文才能正确理解。在不作改动前提下,这并不是一个句子。请网友给出上下文,并核对是否有拼写错误,尤其核对through 是否为 though之误。


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其它 2 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

Proof that the product incorporating the trade dress has an established place in the market through such factors as unsolicited media coverage, extensive shelf space, licensing requests, and market share is likewise helpful in establishing acquired distingctiveness.


【分析】are 疑似 is 之误。

1. 句子主干:Proof is likewise helpful in establishing acquired distingctiveness.  此证据同样有助于确立已获得的产品独特性。

proof 是不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。

2. that the product incorporating the trade dress has an established  place  in the market 是 proof 的同位语从句。

3. through such factors as unsolicited media coverage, extensive shelf space, licensing requests, and market share:介词短语,作“方式状语”。

4. such...as...结构,as 表示“列举”such 后名词的一些例子。

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陈才   - 英语教师


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  • liyanhui0909 提出于 2018-11-28 23:33
