
1//Researchers created a massive databases of faces ,and tested a variety of facial-recognition algorithms as they scaled up in complexity.其中scale up我只查到了scale sth up,scale作vt,这里是什么用法。

2//Algorithm that were right 95% of the time when they were dealing with a 13000-image databases ,for example, were accurate about 70% of the time when confronted with 1 million images.使用95% of the time和它后面的那个是做状语吗?我不知道怎么划分它们前后的关系,是were right 95%放一起呢,还是95% of time放一起…

3//But the only way college could be free is if the faculty and staff donated their time ,the buildings required no maintenance, and campuses required no utilities. 其中if引导的是表语从句吗?而且只有if,怎么翻译呢? 

4//The value of one more of these peopleis very high. 其中one more of 怎么用呢,more后面有没有…省略? 

5//either… or …,both …and…等句型,前面的连词的运用是不是表示强调?因为我觉得他们在语法上的作用和后面的有些重复… 

6//副词可以做介词宾语吗?如for ever,for  long ,in  here等 谢谢各位老师解答~

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最佳答案 2018-11-24 21:13

1//Researchers created a massive databases of faces ,and tested a variety of facial-recognition algorithms as they scaled up in complexity.其中scale up我只查到了scale sth up,scale作vt,这里是什么用法。


【分析】scale up 可以不及物,不用接宾语。意为“按比例增加、上升”。in complexity:在复杂性方面。


2//Algorithm that were right 95% of the time when they were dealing with a 13000-image databases ,for example, were accurate about 70% of the time when confronted with 1 million images.使用95% of the time和它后面的那个是做状语吗?我不知道怎么划分它们前后的关系,是were right 95%放一起呢,还是95% of time放一起…


【分析】Algorithms(主语) that were right 95% of the time when they were dealing with a 13000-image databases(定语从句), for example(插入语), were accurate about 70% of the time when confronted with 1 million images.(系表结构。)

【注意】为了理解,可以把定语从句和主句按并列关系处理,每个并列分句各含一个时间状语,把插入语for example 提至句首。这样就清晰了:

For example, algorithms were right 95% of the time when they were dealing with a 13000-image databases, and they were accurate about 70% of the time when confronted with 1 million images.(蓝色部分是两个并列句。)


3//But the only way college could be free is if the faculty and staff donated their time ,the buildings required no maintenance, and campuses required no utilities. 其中if引导的是表语从句吗?而且只有if,怎么翻译呢? 


【分析】第一次见到if 条件句作表语的情况!!!而且还是“虚拟条件”(用了与现在时间不符的过去式)。通过翻译就可以体会出来,这里的if 确实表达“条件”,而不是whether(是否)。


4//The value of one more of these people is very high. 其中one more of 怎么用呢,more后面有没有…省略? 


【分析】这个问题很简单:more 用在数字之后表示“再...多几个”。比较:

one of these people:这些人中的一个

one more of these people:这些人中再多一个

我们常说:Give me two more apples.给我两个苹果。


5//either… or …,both …and…等句型,前面的连词的运用是不是表示强调?因为我觉得他们在语法上的作用和后面的有些重复… 


the teacher and the students (不强调两者)

both the teacher and the students (强调两者都)

6//副词可以做介词宾语吗?如for ever,for  long ,in  here等 谢谢各位老师解答~



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  • JinjiKikko 提出于 2018-11-24 18:46
