4 雅思阅读中的几个疑问


  1. As their name suggests, stepwells comprise a series of stone steps decending from ground leve to the water source(normally an undergrounf aquifer) as it recides follwing the rains.

    疑问:decending from ground leve to the water source做后置定语修饰 stibe steps是否正确, 同时as it recides follwing the rains.  学生怎么也想不通,请老师解惑。

  2. Others are more elaborate ,with long stepped passage leading to the water via serreral storeys.

    疑问:这个句子属于with复合结构。 请问老师with复合结构什么时候用,和主语的关系是什么?

  3. It was bult by Queen Udayamati during the late 11th century, but become silted up follwing a flood during the 13th century.

    疑问,经过查找笔记,知道become后面能加过去分词,请问这里follwing的用法,和silted up有关系么。

  4. Built in around 850 AD next to the temple of Harshat Mata,the baori comprise hundreds of zigzagging steps that run along three of sides, steeply descending 11 storeys, resulting in a striking pattern when seen from afar.


steps that run along three of sides, steeply descending 11 storeys, resulting in a striking pattern这整个部分是做定语修饰steps。decending,resulting做伴随状语,学生想问为什么不能这么说that run along three of sides, descend 11 storeys, and result in a striking pattern.  也就是说伴随状语什么时候用,伴随状语和连词(比如and)连接的两个动词有什么区别,比如:

It autally resembles a tank, but displays the hallmarks of stepwell architecture.这样的带连词的连接两个动词部分,老师请指点学生具体的区别。谢谢。

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最佳答案 2018-11-18 22:00


1 As their name suggests, stepwells comprise a series of stone steps decending from ground level to the water source (normally an underground aquifer) as it recedes following the rains.

疑问:decending from ground level to the water source做后置定语修饰 stone steps是否正确?

答:正确。现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰stone steps。

同时as it recedes follwing the rains.  学生怎么也想不通,请老师解惑。

it 指 the water source 水源。as 引导时间状语从句修饰现在分词decending。following等于after, the rains 为雨季。当雨季过后,水源的水位下降,这些石阶从地面向下通往水源。

网友误将the rains理解成下雨,疑惑下雨怎么会水位下降。你忽略了rains的复数形式。

2 Others are more elaborate, with long stepped passage leading to the water via several storeys.

疑问:这个句子属于with复合结构。 请问老师with复合结构什么时候用,和主语的关系是什么?


3 It was built by Queen Udayamati during the late 11th century, but became silted up following a flood during the 13th century.

疑问,经过查找笔记,知道became后面能加过去分词,请问这里follwing的用法,和silted up有关系么。


4 Built in around 850 AD next to the temple of Harshat Mata, the baori comprise hundreds of zigzagging steps that run along three of its sides, steeply descending 11 storeys, resulting in a striking pattern when seen from afar.


这是书面语用法。口语多用句子表示。例如: The baori were built in..., and they comprise...

steps that run along three of  its sides, steeply descending 11 storeys, resulting in a striking pattern这整个部分是做定语修饰steps。decending, resulting做伴随状语,学生想问为什么不能这么说that run along three of sides, descend 11 storeys, and result in a striking pattern.  也就是说伴随状语什么时候用,伴随状语和连词(比如and)连接的两个动词有什么区别,比如:

It autally resembles a tank, but displays the hallmarks of stepwell architecture.这样的带连词的连接两个动词部分,老师请指点学生具体的区别。谢谢。

deceding修饰的是谓语run, resulting in修饰的是整个定语从句的内容。二个现在分词短语不在同一个层次上,不能用并列结构。


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