1 关于hand out 的词组翻译问题

英文:On October 29th, following an astonishing drubbing handed out to her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in the prosperous state of Hesse, she announced that she will step down as leader of the party in December.



问:这里的hand out怎么解释,字典上接近的解释是“给予(忠告、许可等)”,但文中硬搬字典的翻译是不通的。查好几个字典没有合适的解释,从中文翻译可看出给的是意译。对于字典没有对应解释的,如何看这种现象?

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最佳答案 2018-11-07 09:42

网友的问题,关键就是搞清楚drubbing 和 hand out 之间的关系问题,然后推测出hand out 的含义:

following an astonishing drubbing handed out to her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in the prosperous state of Hesse

1. following是现在分词,意为“紧随其后”。暂不考虑。

2. drubbing (惨败)

3.  handed out to ...过去分词短语作定语,修饰 drubbing(惨败)

4. a drubbing handed out to sb. 这是一个含有过去分词作定语的名词词组。说明“惨败”“被给了/给予了/送给了/施舍给”某人(某组织)。因此 a drubbing handed out to sb.  = a drubbing given to sb. 

hand out something to somebody :把某物分发给某人/施舍给某人。引申为“某人遭遇到了某事” (带有揶揄口吻)

5. 从上述分析看出, a drubbing handed out to sb. 翻译为“某人遭遇惨败”,就在情理之中了。(见彩色英汉对应翻译)

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其它 1 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师

(1)hand out分发;散发 (英文解释:If you hand things out to people, you give one or more to each person in a group.)

One of my jobs was to hand out the prizes。 


Food is still being handed out.  


(2)hand out给予(忠告、许可等) (英文解释:When people in authority hand out something such as advice or permission to do something, they give it.

I listened to a lot of people handing out a lot of advice.)  


Planning permission is handed out sparingly.  


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