3 关于用不用 being 的疑惑


(A) have a gift for = be gifted in/at

gifted adj. 有天赋的

He has a gift for music and he promises to be a musician

=  Gifted in music, he promises to be a musician.

我的疑问是,可否在gifted前加上Being,而句意不变 ?

即 Being gifted in music, he promises to be a musician.



(B)________(devote) to her work, she has no time to travel.


我的疑问是,可否在devoted前加上Being,而句意不变 ?

即 Being devoted to her work, she has no time to travel.

(C) We went out, ________ (head) for the bus stop.

由于be headed for(美式)= head for (英式)。

按照美式习惯来做该题,答案是: headed


即 We went out, being headed for the bus stop. 

* 问题的焦点是:此类题是必须加Being,还是不能加Being,抑或是可加可不加Being(即可省略),多年来我一直搞不清,非常困惑。 麻烦老师能具体分析讲解以上3题(A), (B), (C),给出详细的理由,以及此类题目关于加不加 Being 的规律,谢谢!


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最佳答案 2018-10-26 14:00

(A)  Gifted in music, he promises to be a musician.

(B)  Devoted to her work, she has no time to travel.

以上二句中的gifted和devoted均为终结性动词的过去分词演变来的形容词,表示动作结束后的新的状态,本身就可以作状语,表示主语在做谓语动作时的状态。如果前面加上being,则易被误解为现在分词被动语态,表示正在发生的被动动作。故这种ed结尾的终结性动词过去分词演变来的形容词作状语,通常不用系词be的现在分词being. 这就是为什么参考答案都是ed形式。


(C) We went out, headed for the bus stop.

be headed for这种用法中的headed仍然是过去分词演变来的形容词,作谓语时形式为we are headed for...,此时为系表结构,headed隐含被动意义,但没有完成意义。head作为动词表示朝某个方向移动或运动时,为非终结性延续动词,此类动词的过去分词不表示动作的结束,只表示被动意义。因此作状语时没有必要使用系词be的现在分词being, 用being有画蛇添足之嫌。

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其它 2 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师

He has a gift for music and he promises to be a musician

(1)=  Gifted in music, he promises to be a musician (更常见

 (2)=Being gifted in music, he promises to be a musician

(1)Devoted  to her work, she has no time to travel.(不常见

(2)Being devoted  to her work, she has no time to travel.(不常见

(1)We went out, headed for the bus stop.(美式表达)

(2)We went out, heading  for the bus stop.(英式表达

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1, 如果只有语法书上的内容才算”详细理由的话”。可能不太好找,不知道以后会不会加上。2,查一下美国语料库。being devoted: Devoted为0:27,being gifted:gifted为0:2。
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  • Pupil07 提出于 2018-10-24 12:13
