in recent years通常连用什么时态

in recent years 与 recently 同义吗?它是不是也经常与现在完成时连用呢?如:
India has seen many political changes in recent years. 印度近年来经历了很多政治变动。
Unemployment among the over forties has risen sharply in recent years. 最近几年 40 岁以上的人的失业率大幅上升。
归纳起来,in recent years 通常都连用些什么时态呢?谢谢!

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最佳答案 2014-10-31 16:07

in recent years通常多与现在完成时连用,但有时也可根据具体情况用于一般现在时、一般过去时或完成进行时等。如:

Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years. 最近几年对精神病的态度已有所改变。《柯林斯高级英语学习词典》

The economy of the inland towns and cities of our country also develops rapidly in recent years. 近几年,我国内地城镇经济发展也很快。《简明英汉词典》

Rules governing student conduct relaxed somewhat in recent years. 近年来约束学生行为的规定有所放宽。《柯林斯高级英语学习词典》

In recent years the newspaper had been limping along on limited resources. 近年来这家报社一直在靠有限的资源艰难维持。《柯林斯高级英语学习词典》

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  • 江小花   提出于 2014-10-31 14:59
