

It was evident long before Thursday’s senate judiciary committee hearings addressing Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation of sexual assault – which he denies – and indeed before Dr Ford first accused him.

addressing....是当定语吗?修饰 hearings?

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最佳答案 2018-11-20 12:42

It was evident long before Thursday’s senate judiciary committee hearings addressing Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation of sexual assault – which he denies – and indeed before Dr Ford first accused him.



1. It was evident:主句。It不是形式主语,也不是指“时间”,而是指代“前文提到的事情,如事实”。

2. long before到句子结束,是“时间状语从句”,副词long用在before前表示主句的情况远远早于从句的情况。又如:

He arrieved here long beofore we came.

3. which he denies:插入性质的定语从句,修饰allegation of sexual assault(性侵指控)

4. and indeed before Dr Ford first accused him,是and连接的“时间状语从句”,与long before引导的时间句并列,进一步阐明时间。

5. 直观分析如下:

It (主语)was (系动词)evident (表语)long before Thursday’s senate judiciary committee hearings addressing Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation of sexual assault (并列时间状语1)– which he denies (插入式定语从句)– and indeed before Dr Ford first accused him.(并列时间状语2)

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  • wenwen 提出于 2018-09-29 21:31
