It指代什么(leave it to the creeds to fight it out)


Whatevery course the new Queen adopted she would make enemies, while to adopt none would be the worst course of all, since that would leave it to the creeds to fight it out amongst themselves until one had crushed the rest. 


This was only one of the problems that confronted Elizabeth at her accession. There were others even more pressing if the kingdom were to be safe and prosper. Internally it was divided by deep dissensions amongst its people; externally it was weak by comparison with its nearest continental neighbors. Within less than twenty years it had been forcibly subjected to three different kinds of religion, a sort of Anglo-Catho Licism under Henry VIII, an extreme Protestantism under Edward and the old orthodox Catholicism under Mary. Such a thing as toleration, each person worshipping according to his own conscience, was inconceivable; all had to worship the same way, and each change had been accompanied by persecution and left a legacy of hatred amongst those who preferred anther way. Whatever course the new Queen adopted she would make enemies, while to adopt none would be the worst course of all, since that would leave it to the various creeds to fight it out amongst themselves until one had crushed the rest.  


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最佳答案 2018-09-13 16:31

since that would leave it to the creeds to fight it out amongst themselves until one had crushed the rest. 

leave sth to sb. 意为把某事留给某人去做,让某人去做某事。例如:I have left the job to Tom. 我把那活留给汤姆去做了。传统语法认为to sb是状语,现代语法认为to sb是动词的补足语(complement)。如果宾语为不定式时,则不定式必须采用外置结构,用形式宾语it占据宾语位置,真正宾语不定式短语后移至句末位置。即SVOA句型,改为了SV+it + A+to do .

因此,这个句子中的leave为SVOA句型,it为形式宾语,真正宾语为不定式to fight it out...

fight it out为短语动词,意为“争斗、决战、通过斗争解决”。

creeds: (宗教或道德信条)


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  • lucy0208 提出于 2018-09-13 14:37
