
同位语从句通常由连词 that 来引导。如:
I hold a firm belief that he will win. 我坚信他会获胜。
They were worried over the fact that you were sick. 他们为你生病发愁。
There was little hope that they would survive. 他们幸存的希望很小。
老师说,同位语从句除用that引导外,有时也可用what, which, who, whose, when, where, how, why, whether等引来。如:
You have no idea how worried I was! 你不知道我多着急!
Have you any idea what time it is? 你知道现在几点钟了吗?
I have no idea when he will come back. 我不知道他什么时候回来。
Do you have any idea where he lives?  你知道他住在哪里吗?
I have no idea which dictionary is hers.  我不知道哪本词典是她的。
He had no idea why she left. 他不知道她为什么离开。
但我发现老师举的例子很特别,因为被同位语从句修饰的名词都是 idea。我要老师给出名词的例子,老师一下也没有想出来。于是我就怀疑:是不是只有 idea 后面才可以用what, which, who, whose, when, where, how, why, whether等引来引导同位语从句?

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最佳答案 2014-10-27 15:43


疑问词也可以引导同位语从句,被同位语从句修饰的名词可以是 idea 或者其它名词。例如:
It is a question how he did it. 那是一个他如何做的问题。
She asked the reason why there was a delay. 她问之所以发生延误的原因。
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其它 1 个回答

龙 楠   - 英语教师


1. Answer my question whether you are coming. 你回答我的问题:你来不来。(《薄冰高级英语语法》)

2. There is some doubt whether Peterwill come on time. 彼得是否会按时来还是个问题。(《朗文英汉双解词典》)

3. The voters should by now be in no doubt what the parties stand for. 选民们现在应该确切知道各党派的主张了。(《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》)

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