如何理解 Not 开头的句子

Not a single case of T.B. was found in the x-rays studied.


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最佳答案 2018-09-15 21:16


Not a single sound was heard. 一点声音也没听到。

Not a single soldier was killed. 没有一个士兵阵亡。

Not a single sound fell from her lips. 她一个字也没有说。

Not a single person offered to help her. 没有一个人主动出来帮她。

Not a single student in the class got the problem out. 班上无一人解出这道题。

Not a single one of her neighbours gave her any help. 没有一个邻居帮过她忙。

Not a single missile got through the defense system. 没有一枚导弹突破该防御系统。

注:当位于句首的 not a single…不是用作主语时,其后要用倒装语序。中:

Not a single fish did he catch the whole afternoon. 他整个下午一条鱼 也没捕到。

Not a single man did he see on the street in such cold weather. 这么冷的天,他在街上一个人也没见到。

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其它 2 个回答


Not a single case of T.B. was found in the x-rays studied.

= No case of T.B was found in the x-ray studied.


They found not a single case of T.B in the x-ray studied.

They found no case of T.B in the x-ray studied.


They didn't find any case of T.B in the x-ray studied. 动词否定句。

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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

   Not one of the students knew the answer. 没有一个学生知道答案。(摘自《朗文多功能英汉双解词典》第5版)

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  • mbox 提出于 2018-08-29 19:04
