
The output of cotton was 400% (=4 times) greater than in 1973. 大三倍,是四倍

The output of cotton in 1979 was five times greater than that in 1973. 大四倍,是五倍

There was a 400% increase in the output of cotton between 1973 and 1979.


那么百分比表示净增值也不对,除非出现那个increase, 对不?


This street is 300% longer than that one. 这条街比那条街长三倍 / 百分之三百。(应该是大两倍,是三倍)

这个说法也不对:若在 more / greater than 结构中用百分比,则表示净增数(见上例中最后一句)。


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最佳答案 2014-10-23 18:39




The output of cotton in 1979 was five times as much as that of 1973.

The output of cotton in 1979 was five times that of 1973.

The output of cotton in 1979 was five times greater than that in 1973. [在本句中英语习惯上用five times greater...而不用four times greater...,译成汉语应为“比1973年(净)增四倍”。 P.196注解③:]

The output of cotton in 1979 was five times what it had been in 1973.

The output of cotton increased five-fold in the years 1973-1979.

The output of cotton was 400% greater than in 1973.

There was a 400% increase in the output of cotton between 1973 and 1979.

由上述几种倍数表示法可以看出,用百分比表示净增数,而用times或-fold则不论在何种句型中都表示包括基数100%在内,就是说,表示增加四倍,要用five times或five-fold等。


1. The output of cotton was 400% (=4 times) greater than in 1973. 大三倍,是四倍(原文的第7例)

你篡改了原文,原文中并没有说(= 4 times),就算要用“基数词+times”来替代句中的400%,也应该用(= 5 times)来表达。句尾的错误的汉语译文“大三倍,是四倍”也是你自己加上去的,正确的译文应该是“大四倍,是五倍”。再用四个例子来说明一下:

The hall is 400% bigger than our classroom.“礼堂比我们的教室大4倍/大400%(用百分比表示净增数)”或“礼堂是我们的教室的5倍大”。

= The hall is five times as big as our classroom.

= The hall is five times bigger than our classroom.

= The hall is five times the size of our classroom.

2. The output of cotton in 1979 was five times greater than that in 1973. 大四倍,是五倍(原文的第三例)

这句话是对的,你在句尾加的汉语译文也是对的,因为“five times more than = five times as … as = five times + the +名词+of”,切不可将five time greater than理解为“大5倍”,而要理解为“大4倍”或“是5倍”。又如:

This book is three times as long as three times longer than / three times the length of that one. 这本书那本书篇幅的三倍 [那本书长两倍/篇幅那本书的三倍]。(《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》time条)

3. There was a 400% increase in the output of cotton between 1973 and 1979. (原文的最后一例)

这句话完全正确,意义为“大4倍,是5倍”。也符合原文最后的总结语:用百分比表示净增数,而用times或-fold则不论在何种句型中都表示包括基数100%在内,就是说,表示增加四倍,要用five times或five-fold等。

 This street is 300% longer than that one. 这条街比那条街长三倍 / 百分之三百。(应该是大两倍,是三倍)


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龙 楠   - 英语教师


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  • 胡红磊 提出于 2014-10-23 00:13
