2 被动句的两种写法


He took great care of his books. 可改为:His books were taken great care of. 和 Great care was taken of his books.



1.  Mary realized that they were making fun of her.


1a. Mary realized that she was being made fun of.

1b. Mary realized that fun was being made of her.  (1b正确吗?)


2.  You must lay special emphasis on the choice of words.


2a. Special emphasis must be laid on the choice of words.

2b. The choice of words must be laid special emphasis on. (2b正确吗?)


3.  They lost track of the plane about an hour out from Guangzhou Airport.


3a. The plane was lost track of about an hour out from Guangzhou Airport.

3b. Track was lost of the plane about an hour out from Guangzhou Airport. (3b正确吗?)

4.  We must put an end to this state of things as soon as possible.


4a. This state of things must be put end to as soon as possible.

4b. An end must be put to this state as soon as possible. (4b正确吗?)


请教老师,1b,2b,3b, 4b即原句第二个被动句是否正确?有些多词动词有两种被动句,如,take care of, pay attention to, make an example of, take advantage of; 但是像以上4个例句中, 貌似只有第一个被动句是正确的。请教老师,如何知道这些多词动词的被动句到底是两个还是只是其中一个?谢谢老师。

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最佳答案 2018-08-05 22:49

我们知道, pay attention to这样的短语动词可以有二种被动语态形式:

A The matter should be paid attention to.

B Attention should be paid to the matter.



动词+名词+介词构成的短语动词是否可以有被动语态,以及用哪种被动语态形式,不能一概而论,需要具体情况具体对待。Huddleston在其《剑桥英语语法》一书中,根据 是否可以有被动语态以及用何种被动语态,将动词+名词+介词构成的短语动词分为四类,


Come swords with, curry favour with, find favour with, get the better of, give birth to, give the lie to, lose patience with, make friends with


Cast doubt on, do justice to, give credence to, keep taps on, make an attempt on, make mention of, raise an objection to, shed tears over


Catch sight of, give the lie to, give way to, lay claim to, lay hold of, lose sight of, lose touch with, make fun of, make love to, pay court to, set eyes on


Make a fuss of, make an example of, make use of, pay attention to, pay tribute to, put a stop to, set much/little of, take advantage of, take exception to, take note of


由以上动词分类,我们知道make fun of只用介词被动式,故网友的1b 是错误的。由lose sight of的分类,推知3b是错误的。pay emphasis on的二种被动形式使我们都见过的,故2b是正确的。由put a stop to的分类,推测4b也是正确的。

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其它 1 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

1.  Mary realized that they were making fun of her.


1a. Mary realized that she was being made fun of. (正)

1b. Mary realized that fun was being made of her.  (正)

【例句】Much fun was made of unreliable Japanese watches and cheap Japanese cars.


2.  You must lay special emphasis on the choice of words.


2a. Special emphasis must be laid on the choice of words. (正)

2b. The choice of words must be laid special emphasis on. (正)

【例句】As to the content, both teaching and research should be laid emphasis on while the former should be regarded as the fundamental factor.


3.  They lost track of the plane about an hour out from Guangzhou Airport.


3a. The plane was lost track of about an hour out from Guangzhou Airport. (误)

3b. Track was lost of the plane about an hour out from Guangzhou Airport. (误)

4.  We must put an end to this state of things as soon as possible.


4a. This state of things must be put end to as soon as possible. (正)

4b. An end must be put to this state as soon as possible. (误)


请教老师,1b,2b,3b, 4b即原句第二个被动句是否正确?有些多词动词有两种被动句,如,take care of, pay attention to, make an example of, take advantage of; 但是像以上4个例句中, 貌似只有第一个被动句是正确的。请教老师,如何知道这些多词动词的被动句到底是两个还是只是其中一个?谢谢老师。

【答】动词 + 名词 + 介词”型,这样的短语大多都能变为被动形式,如:

如:take care of(关心,照顾),make use of(利用), pay attention to(注意)等。


    Time must be made good use of.一定要充分利用时间。

    More attention should be paid to our environment.应该多注意我们的环境。

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