There be...句式中的主语问题

There is a lot of hype surrounding the new rapper.

第二句是我自己造的 there is a lot of money nobody ueing 第一个问题 there be句型里出现的ing都是现在分词嘛?会有动名词吗?第二个问题 这两句中都有两个名词,谁是主语?

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最佳答案 2018-07-28 06:45

There is a lot of hype surrounding the new rapper.

there be存在句中,there为形式主语,be为不及物动词作谓语,be后的名词为真正主语。作主语的名词可以后接不定式、现在分词或定语从句作后置定语。动名词不能做后置定语,因此主语后的doing都是现在分词作定语。

There 形式主语 is 谓语 a lot of限定词 hype 主语 surrounding the new rapper现在分词短语作定语。

网友自己写的句子有语法错误。There is a lot of money nobody using. 该句中 a lot of money为主语,nobody using则为结构错误,因为这个结构不能做定语。要么改为不定式作定语,要么改为定语从句。例如,There is a lot of money yet to be used. There is a lot of money that can be used. There is a lot of money for us to use.

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