2 where从句的疑问

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【我的疑问】参考书上说此句中的 where 从句是定语从句,而我认为是状语从句,因为这个where从句中的“主谓宾”都是完整的,所以我认为是状语从句。但查阅了两本参考书,都说此where从句是定语从句,显然,我是错的。

请问老师,为什么这里的 where 是定语从句呢?


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最佳答案 2018-07-24 19:28

where 引导定语从句时,里面的主语和谓语(谓语部分有无宾语均可,看谓语动词是否需要宾语)一定是完整的。因为where 在定语从句中作“地点状语”,是个次要成分,不能按照定语从句是否完整来判断它是不是定语从句。


I will work where I can get a better pay. (状语从句)

I will work in a company where I can get a better pay.(定语从句,主谓宾齐全)

【网友注意】千万不要认为:定语从句用where 引导,其先行词一定是place 之类的名词!有些不表示地点的名词,也完全可以使用where 引导的定语从句修饰。例如,先行词从“明显地点”到“模糊地点”。例如:situation(情况,情形), case(情况), point(地步), stage(地步), book(书本), story(故事), trick(把戏), play(戏剧), film(电影) 等。举例如下:

Can you think of a situation where this idiom can be used? 你能想出一个使用这个成语的情况吗?

I have heard of a case where a soldier riding a bus did not offer his seat to a woman with a baby. 我听说这样一个情况,有个士兵坐车,一位妇女抱着娃娃他不让座。

Noise is coming to the point where we can't put up with it. 噪音快到我们无法忍受的地步。

The mature trader arrives at a stage where most trading actions have become nearly automatic. 成熟的交易者能达到这个地步,大多数交易行为几乎是自动的。

Your face is like a book where people may read strange matters. 您的脸正像一本书,人们可以从那上面读到奇怪的事情。

This was a film where Spielberg used real actors instead of toys.


How about the trick where the puppy goes to school in your book bag? 小狗放在你的书包里上学的这个把戏怎么样?

下面,我再用story (“故事”)做一分析。它在使用过程中,能否表示“地点”?回答是Yes。我们举例对比:


He will tell you a story that might make you shiver.


A story that completely involved me for the rest of the evening.


This is a story that happened in 17th century Europe.


He tried to act out a story that he had read.




A rags-to-riches story is a story where a very poor person works very hard and, as a result, becomes very rich and successful.


I heard one story where a man had been working as a bonded laborer for 50 years.


Write a short story where the hero is your dad.


I read a story where a yong man died to protect his girlfriend. 我读了一个故事,一个年轻人以死保护他的女朋友。




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