1 “有”的时态表述(do you have和have you got 的区别)


1. Do you have an English and a French dictionary?

2. Have you got an English and a French dictionary?

请教老师,两个翻译的句子都对吗?do you have 和have you got 的区别是什么?谢谢老师。

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最佳答案 2018-07-18 22:38

有时候have与have got的用法还是有所不同的。

1.have got原来是完成时态。在现代英语用法中,完成的意味已经完全消失,等于have, possess。区别是have, possess意味着“永久地有”;have got意味着“一时的”或“最近得到的”。如:

John has a blind eye.约翰的一只眼是瞎的。

Look at John; he has got a black eye.看看约翰,他的一只眼被人打青了。

2.have多和一般事情或情况相联系;have got多和具体事情或情况相联系。如:

Do you have a car?你有车吗?

Have you got a ticket for tonight's concert?你有今晚音乐会的票吗?

3.以下情况用have而不用have got:

a)与will, shall连用

Jack never will have any chance.


Don't have anything to do with Jack.


I have had no time.

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其它 2 个回答

黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)


1. Do you have an English and a French dictionary?

2. Have you got an English and a French dictionary?

请教老师,两个翻译的句子都对吗?do you have 和have you got 的区别是什么?谢谢老师。

    【答】你的句子应该改为:1. Do you have an English dictionary and a French dictionary? 2. Have you got an English dictionary and a French dictionary?

    do you have 和 have you got 的区别:

    1. do 不能和 got 连用。例如:Have you got a headache ? 你头痛吗?(不能说:Do you have got ...)

    2. 简略回答和附加语中不能用 have got。例如:“Have you got a light?”“No,I haven't.”“你有火吗?”“没有。”(不能说:No,I haven't got.)Anne's got a bike, hasn't she? 安妮有辆自行车,是吗?

    3.可以说 Did you have ...? 不能说 Had you got ...?例如:Did you have good teachers when you were at school ? 你上学时有好老师吗?

    4.一般不能说 to have got ... 或 having got ...

    5. 表示重复出现或习惯性的状态时,不常用have got。例如:Do you ever have time to go to London ? 你会有时间去伦敦吗?Do you have(或 Have you got ) time to go to London this weekend ? 这个周末你有时间去伦敦吗?


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蒋红秀   - 英语教师
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