英语句子结构分析(涉及 like 前后都有逗号)

"what are you doing? You're getting mud everywhere!" So ture, too. Her shoes were, like, caked with the stuff.

Her shoes were, like, caked with the stuff. 不懂这句话的结构是怎样的?分析的时候希望能详细点。

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最佳答案 2018-07-11 10:52

查《朗文当代英语大词典》的 like 词条,该词典在副词用法的第一个意思是“嗯(用在说话中填补思考下文时出现的停顿)”。我觉得网友的这个句子符合此解释。


used in speech to fill a pause while you are thinking what to say next 嗯(用在说话中填补思考下文时出现的停顿):

The water was, like, really cold. 那水,嗯,非常冷。

I was just, like, standing there. 当时我,呃,就站在那里。

注:例句中的 like 前后均有逗号。

网友的句子 Her shoes were, like, caked with the stuff. 如果撇开 like 不看,句子结构就很清楚了:Her shoes (主语) were caked (被动结构作谓语) with the stuff (状语). 

至于 like 的句子成分,可以看作是插入语。

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其它 1 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

Her shoes were , like, caked with the stuff.


1. be caked with:被厚厚地沾满

2. 口语中,like 可以用作副词,修饰谓语动词,一般单独使用,前后加逗号(这跟副词however, too, therefore, otherwise 等插在句中的用法差不多,也是前后加逗号)。意为:似乎是;可以说是;有几分;有点儿;一定程度地

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  • xing箐箐 提出于 2018-07-11 01:40
