
In the same year Glboal Times,a tabloid owned by the Party's main mouthpiece,People's Daily,began publishing its own English-language aily,offering somewhat racier fare than that of China Daily,while still avoiding criticism of the party.

while still avoiding criticism of the party.在这里引导的什么状语从句么,而且从句是主语和be 动词 是省略了么?

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最佳答案 2018-09-15 14:19

In the same year, Global Times, a tabloid owned by the Party's main mouthpiece, People's Daily, began publishing its own English-language daily, offering somewhat racier fare than that of China Daily, while still avoiding criticism of the Party.


【分析】while still avoiding criticism of the Party —— 这叫含有从属连词的现在分词短语。在本句充当时间状语,修饰offering。也就是说,“提供更加活泼的内容的同时,也要避免对该党的批评。”

▲关于“从属连词 + 分词”这种结构,有两种说法,都可以解释这个问题:

1. 为了让分词短语表达的状语成分意义更加明确,在之前加上适当的连词,目的是为了表意清晰。

2. 英语语法规定,在某些状语从句中,当主语跟主句的主语一致,而且含有be动词时,可以把主语(一般是代词充当)以及be动词一起省略。旨在使句子更加简洁和生动。


Mary often helped her classmates when (she was) free. (was是系动词)

While (you were) walking the dog, you were careless. (were是进行时的助动词)

John won't come to your party unless (he is) invited. (is是被动语态的助动词)


Tom likes to listen to music while (he is) reading. 汤姆喜欢读书时听音乐。(时间状语)

If (he is) given more time, he will do the work better. 如果给更多的时间,他会做得更好。(条件状语)

Even if (I am) invited to,I won't go to such a bad lecture. 即使邀请我去,我也不参加如此糟糕的讲座。(让步状语)

She has finished the work earlier than (it has been) expected. 她这项工作比预料的提前完成。(比较状语)


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while still avoiding为分词作让步状语,修饰offering。分词作状语时,为了强调状语的意义,可以在分词前加从属连词。本句中的while still avoiding并不是由 while it was still avoiding省略而来。avoiding在此没有进行体的意义,而是一般体。


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  • christy133 提出于 2018-07-03 21:15
