1 比较结构句子成分分析


This car runs as fast as that one.

I believe I have made as detailed and exhaustive a study of his personality and home life as it is possible for any being to make.

I had seen as much blood as Meade has seen during last week.

Mindy likes music better than her mother does.

That is a lot more profitable than trying to improve others, and a lot less dangerous.

请问这些比较结构句是两个句子的合并吗?是作比较状语从句吗?as, than是连词吗?这些句子的成分怎么分析啊?   

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最佳答案 2018-07-02 19:06

网友“比较结构是两个并列成分的比较”的说法是不正确的。并列成分指相等的语法结构,如二个主语,二个谓语,二个宾语等的并列。并列的结构表达同等重要的信息。而as, than引导的比较分句为从属分句,as,than都是从属关联词,为从属标记。主句为主要信息,从句为次要信息。主句和从句不是并列关系。



This car runs as fast as that one (does). as为比较副词,从句省略了替代动词does(替代runs), as在从句中作方式状语。

I believe I have made as detailed and exhaustive a study of his personality and home life as it is possible for any being to make. as 为比较代词,在从句中作不定式to make的宾语。

I had seen as much blood as Meade has seen during last week. as为比较代词,在从句中作has seen的宾语。

Mindy likes music better than her mother does. than为比较代词,在从句中作does(替代likes)的宾语。

That is a lot more profitable than trying to improve others (is), and a lot less dangerous. than为比较代词,在从句中作表语。从句省略了系词is。

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