1 如何判断when compared with...的逻辑主语(是不是有省略啊)

The film-maker was able to portray the inadequacy of human responses when compared with the magnificent technology.

请问这句话中,compare 的逻辑主语是谁?是不是省略了什么呢?

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最佳答案 2018-05-30 15:30

The film-maker was able to portray the inadequacy of human responses when compared with the magnificent technology.


关于过去分词compared的逻辑主语,要结合句子的意思,同时一定注意:“比较的两个事物必须对等”这个原则。前文中,那个词语能够与先进的技术相比呢?肯定不是the film-maker,这是“制片人”,无法构成对比,再有名词就是:the inadequacy of human responses(人类反映滞后),只有它可以是比较的对象。因此,原句看作在when之后省略了it is,it 指the inadequacy of human responses:

The film-maker was able to portray the inadequacy of human responses when it is compared with the magnificent technology.

注意:compared with ...不可能作inadequacy 的后置定语,因为when 从句单独是一个句子,里面的某个成分无法隔着连词,去修饰主句的某个成分。


分词(包括现在分词、过去分词)作状语时,为了明确它属于何种状语,可以在分词之前加上必要的连词。例如,以下连词:when, while, until, once, though, although, as long as, so long as, unless, if, as if, as though, even if, even though都可以添加。

实际上,也可以理解为:在从句中省略了“主语(代词充当) + be”(be指构成进行时态或被动语态)。


He will come if invited.= He will come if he is invited. 若受到邀请,他就来。

Unless asked,I won't attend the get-together. 除非被要求,否则我不会参加聚会。

Don't talk while having dinner. 吃饭时不要说话。

When crossing the street,do be careful. 过马路时一定要小心。

Once losing this chance,you can't easily find it. 一旦失去这次机会你就很难找回。

As long as going into the reading room,you should keep quiet. 只要进入阅览室,你就应保持安静。


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  • davidwang1900 提出于 2018-05-30 09:53
