bring over的意思

On top I put a few General Staff maps I had picked up from friends. Then I phoned the Gestapo Headquarters. I had a couple of suitcases full of my dispatches, broadcasts and notes that I wanted to take out of the country, I said. As I was flying off early the next day, there would be no time for Gestapo officials at the airfield to go over the contents. Could they take a look now, if I brought them over; and if they approved, put a Gestapo seal on the suitcases so I wouldn't be held up at the airport?

"Bring them over," the official said.

1. bring sth over 是把...带过来的意思吗?第二个 bring over 好理解,官员说把他们带到官员所处的位置来。

2. 第一个 bring over 什么理解,作者的意思是把东西带过去,给别人检查,怎么也用 bring over?

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最佳答案 2018-05-18 13:08

Could they take a look now, if I brought them over; and if they approved, put a Gestapo seal on the suitcases so I wouldn't be held up at the airport?

【答】本句结构十分复杂。这是一个含有主、从句的并列句,一个问号管着两个并列分句。在两个并列分句中,分别含有一个主、从句(在第2个并列分句中,与if从句相对的,是主句中又含有一个目的状语从句so ...)。我用不同的颜色表示:

Could they take a look now, if I brought them over; and if they approved, put a Gestapo seal on the suitcases so I wouldn't be held up at the airport ?

红色部分为主句;蓝色部分为从句。and 连接两个并列分句,把问号放在第2个分句之后。put的前面,是承接第1个并列分句省略了could they。

去掉所有的if 句就是:

Could they take a look now and put a Gestapo seal on the suitcases so I wouldn't be held up at the airport ?

bring over:带过来。

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其它 1 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师

On top I put a few General Staff maps I had picked up from friends. Then I phoned the Gestapo Headquarters. I had a couple of suitcases full of my dispatches, broadcasts and notes that I wanted to take out of the country, I said. As I was flying off early the next day, there would be no time for Gestapo officials at the airfield to go over the contents. Could they take a look now, if I brought them over; and if they approved, put a Gestapo seal on the suitcases so I wouldn't be held up at the airport?

参考译文:在最上面我放了几张多从朋友那里搞到的总参谋部使用的地图。然后我给盖世太保总部 打电话,我说我有几个装满急件,广播稿,和一些记录。这些都是我想从这个国家带走的,由于我第二天清早就要乘飞机离开,而且机场的盖世太保官员也不会有时间检查箱子里装的东西。如果我要是现在拿过去他们可能会检查一下,如果他们批准了,他们能否在箱子上打上盖世太保的印章,以免我在机场不会被耽搁吗?


(1)pick up得到,弄到;买到,

(2)go over: 检查, 复习

(3)a couple of两个, 几个;

(4)full of充满……,满…

(5)take out of取出;带出

(6)fly off飞出,乘飞机离开; 突然跑掉;

(7)the next day 第二天

(8)no time for sb to do sth 某人没有时间做某事

(9)at the airfield 在机场

(10)take a look 看看

(11)bring sth over 把某物带过去

(12)put a seal on sth在...盖上印章

(13)be held up 被滞留/被耽搁

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  • 尉东 提出于 2018-05-18 09:12
