4 “动词+宾语+v-ing动词”的结构分析


1. “宾语+v-ing动词”是动名词的复合结构

2. “v-ing动词”宾补(补充说明前面的宾语)

3. “v-ing动词”是定语(修饰前面的宾语)


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最佳答案 2018-06-17 01:33


1. Do you know the boy standing by the window?

2. Do you mind the boy opening the door?

3. We saw the boy walking into the office.

划线部分中,在the boy之后,分别跟了3个非谓语动词 v+ing:standing, opening, walking。

▲ 第一句:Do you know the boy standing by the window?

【观点】the boy是know的宾语,standing by the window现在分词短语,作the boy的定语。


(1)从语义上理解,standing by the window只有作定语,逻辑上才讲得通。

(2)由于动名词不能作know的宾语,所以,排除the boy standing by the window,是“动名词复合结构”的可能性。

(3)由于know不接“复合宾语”结构,所以,排除standing by the window作宾补的可能性。



Do you know the boy standing by the window? 等于

Do you know the boy who is standing by the window?


▲ 第二句:Do you mind the boy opening the door?

【观点】the boy opening the door,是“动名词复合结构”。具体说来,opening the door是动名词短语,the boy是其逻辑主语。


(1)从语义上看,我们可以“反对或者介意”某事,也可以“反对或者介意”做某事。因此,我们常说:您介意打开门吗?(您介意打开门这件事吗?)所以,opening the door是“介意”的宾语,完全通顺。


(3)有时候,为了表达需要,说明“开门”这个动作由谁去完成,这时,我们要在动名词之前,加上动作的施事者,也就是逻辑主语the boy。因此就有了the boy opening the door,这就是“动名词的复合结构”,也叫“含有逻辑主语的动名词短语”。

(4)opening the door能否作the boy的定语?——不能。理由是,作了定语后,mind的宾语就是boy,我不禁要问:我们凭什么要“反对一个男孩?”

(5)opening the door能否作the boy的宾补?——不能。理由是,“宾补是特定的动词赋予给宾语的一种成分(一个概念)。”意思是说,宾补是谓语动词作用于宾语的结果。如:谓语动词具有“使令”、“指使”、“影响”宾语做某事的作用;谓语动词让宾语怎么样,成为什么,变成什么(例如:cause 类,make 类)。谓语动词具有感官性能,对宾语的动作具有感知作用(see, hear 等感知类动词)等。所以,“介意”这个动作,是无法促使男孩去开门的。

★ 哪些动词可以接“动名词的复合结构”?


advise, admit, avoid, appreciate, acknoledge, allow, bear, consider, delay, deny, detest, enjoy, envy, excuse, ensure, escape, endure, forbid, favor, fancy, facilitate, imagine, practice, anticipate, miss, like, dislike, hate, mind, quit, resent, resume, include, permit, involve, suggest, prevent, miss, postpone, recall, resent, resist, resume, risk, stand, show, understand, give up, put off, insist on, hear of, object to, look forward to, be worth等等。


Do you mind Tom opening the window? 你介意汤姆打开窗户吗?

I can’t understand an adult scolding a little girl. 我无法理解一个大人责骂一个小女孩的场面。

I still remember my mother taking me to the zoo for the first time. 我仍然记得我妈妈第一次带我去动物园的情形。

The novel is about three sisters growing up. 这部小说是关于三姐妹如何长大的。

Can you hear the noise of the sofa being dragged? 你能听见沙发被拖动的声音吗?

Have you heard of women playing football? 你听说过女的踢足球吗?

This is a picture of some children playing on the sports ground.

some children playing on the sports ground 是动名词的复合结构,或者说是带有逻辑主语的动名词短语,作of的宾语。

I will tell you a story of a thief stealing a lady’s purse.


I have this vivid memory of them taking her to clean her off when she was born.

本句,them taking her to clean her off是“动名词的复合结构”,作介词of的宾语,而介词短语of them taking her to clean her off作memory的定语。

We are investigating complaints from customers about goods not being properly inspected before leaving the factory.


Speed dating involves men and women meeting in a room and finding out as much as they can about possible partners in three minutes. men and women meeting in a room:动名词的复合结构,即:含有逻辑主语men and women的动名词短语。


Pingyu heard the famous sound of the clock, Big Ben, ringing out the hour. 萍玉听到了那个著名的大本钟在报时。

这儿的ringing out the hour既不是作定语,也不是作补语,而是“动名词的复合结构”作of的宾语。“动名词的复合结构”即“含有逻辑主语的动名词短语”: the clock, Big Ben, ringing out the hour (Big Ben和the clock是同位语,指同一件事物)


Soon we heard the sound of the lorry revving up and moving off. 


I heard the sound of the car dying away. 


I hear the sound of the ball hitting the floor. 


They like the sound of pages turning. 他们喜爱图书翻页的声音。

Is there any hope of Tom winning the game? 汤姆有赢的希望吗?

Can you hear the noise of the sofa being dragged? 你能听见沙发被拖动的声音吗?

I heard the noise of desks being opened and closed. 我听到桌子被掀开和关上的声音。

It would be a case of the blind leading the blind. 这将是盲人给瞎子引路的情况。

Do be careful while you are ill. Don't think of doing any homework.  在生病期间,要多注意休息,不要去想做作业。

就本句而言,think of 后面的 doing any homework 是动名词短语,作介词 of 的宾语。


Whenever she thought of Tom staring at her, she felt sick. 每当想到汤姆盯着自己看的那个样子,她就感到恶心。


▲ We saw the boy walking into the office.

【观点】the boy walking into the office,是saw“复合宾语”。具体说来,the boy是宾语,walking into the office是宾补。







宾补是谓语动词作用于宾语的结果。如:谓语动词具有“使令”、“指使”、“影响”宾语做某事的作用;谓语动词让宾语怎么样,成为什么,变成什么(例如:cause 类,make 类)。谓语动词具有感官性能,对宾语的动作具有感知作用(see, hear 类),等等。

★ 一般说来,在感官动词,如see, watch, notice, discover, hear, find, listen to, look at, feel和使役动词have, get, leave, keep等后面,这时的现在分词都是作宾语补足语。如:

Mary saw a stranger entering your office. 玛丽看见一个陌生人进入你的办公室。

I found a beggar standing at the door. 我发现一个乞丐站在门口。

I smelt something burning. 我闻到有东西烧煳了。

Don’t keep your children learning all day. 不要让你的孩子整天学习。

I heard someone knocking at the door. 我听见有人在敲门。

Don’t always keep the machine running. 不要老是让让机器转着。

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其它 3 个回答





-I saw a boy just now.

-But there were three boys. Which one did you see?

-I saw the boy walking into the office.

在这个语境中,walking into the ofice无疑是定语。定冠词the为前照应特指,即限制性定语明确名词的所指。

换一个语境。the boy为语境特指,即听说双方已经知道是哪一个男孩。我问某人那个男孩刚才在干什么,我得到的答案是他看见男孩进办公室了。

-What was the boy doing just now?

-I saw him/the boy wolking into the office.

在这个语境中,walking into the ofice无疑是宾语补足语。

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邹德浩   - 英语教师


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陈才   - 英语教师


1. “宾语+v-ing动词”是动名词的复合结构

2. “v-ing动词”宾补(补充说明前面的宾语)

3. “v-ing动词”是定语(修饰前面的宾语)




(1) I know the girl talking to Tom.(现在分词作后置定语

(2) I don't mind the girl sitting beside me.(动名词复合结构作宾语

(3)I saw the girl walking into a shop(现在分词作宾语补足语)

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  • 田志斌 提出于 2018-05-13 07:38
