run out的主动与被动

With the food ______, he had to go out to buy something.

A. running out of             B. run out

C. running out                 D. ran out

答案为 C,the food 是被用的,为什么不用 B 呢?谢谢!

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最佳答案 2018-06-14 14:07

这样用的 run out 本身就表示被动意义,比如《韦氏高阶学习词典》对 run out 的解释是:become used up

又如《柯林斯COBUILD高阶英汉双解学习词典》对 run out 的解释是:If something runs out, it becomes used up so that there is no more left.

其实,run out 表示“用完”“耗尽”时,总是用主动形式表示被动意义,不可以用被动形式:

(1) 他的钱用光了。

正:His money ran out.

误:His money was run out.

(2) 我们的应急物品用完了。

正:Our emergency rations ran out.

误:Our emergency rations were run out.

(3) 他们的供给终于耗尽了。

正:Their supplies finally ran out.

误:Their supplies finally were run out.

即便是可以带宾语的 run out of,也总是用主动形式,而不用被动式。如:

(1) 马丁的钱用完了。

正:Martin ran out of money.

误:Money was run out of by Martin.

(2) 我们汽油用完时发动机停了。

正:The motor died when we ran out of gas.

误:The motor died when gas was run out of by us.

(3) 在派对上他们把酒都喝光了。

正:They ran out of drink at the party.

误:Drink was run out of by us at the party. 

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其它 3 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

他用尽了所有的食物。” 翻译成英语:He ran out of all his food.

food 自身也可以用尽,因此,我们也可以说:The food ran out.

就是说:run out of 需要接宾语;run out 不需要接宾语。

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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

    1. run out = be used up = be finished : (被)用完;(被)耗尽 (不能说 be run out)

    2. run out of ... : 用完 ......

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陈才   - 英语教师

With the food running out, he had to go out to buy something.


以上为with+名词+现在分词的 复合结构作原因状语


【1】主语+run out 有以下2种意思


Conditions are getting worse and supplies are running out. 情况越来越糟糕,贮备物资也快用完了。

Time is running out. 时间不多了。


They ran out. 他们跑出去了

【2】主语+run out of


They have run out of ideas. 他们已经想不出任何办法了。

We're running out of time. 我们快没有时间了。

A few of the jeeps had run out of ammunition. 几辆吉普车上的弹药已经用光了.


They ran out of the room. 他们从房间跑了出去。

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