5 iciba(爱词霸)上面的句子靠谱吗

我经常用 iciba(爱词霸),但有时感觉上面的句有“问题”似的。


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最佳答案 2018-04-24 07:56

我认为iciba上的例句不靠谱,即使是上面标注了“来自辞典例句”“来自《权威词典》”“来自《简明英汉词典》”“来自《现代汉英综合大词典》”等的例句也是如此。下面是我随手 在 iciba(爱词霸)上查到的不靠谱例句:

1. That interview was an absolute libel on a honest man. 那篇采访报道完全是对一诚实人的诽谤。——来自辞典例句

2. It is learned that what I hear he certainly is a honest man. 学我所听到的来说他一定是个诚实的人。——来自辞典例句

3. Since he work many years in farmer, he knows well to them. 由于他在农民中已工作多年, 他对他们和熟悉。——来自辞典例句

4. Does anyone here consider themself a good cook? 这里有人觉得自己烹饪很拿手吗?——来自《权威词典》

5. At time he was almost seductively charming; at other times he was boorish and obtuse. 他有时几乎表现得妩媚动人, 有时却土里土气象个十足的笨伯。——来自辞典例句

6. The boy very likes eating dumplings. 这个男孩很喜欢吃水果布丁。——来自《简明英汉词典》

7. She will come to here in front and behind of beginning of a month. 她将在月初前后到这里来。——来自辞典例句

8. You has heard the sound of crackling, etc. sound? 你听到了劈啪声吗?——来自辞典例句

9. The police has lost track of the criminals. 警方已失去追踪罪犯的线索。——来自辞典例句

10. Your good advices were still ringing in my ear long after you said them. 你的忠告久久地回响在我的耳边。——来自《现代汉英综合大词典》

11. It is a fine weather for outdoor sports. 天气很好,有利于户外运动。——来自《简明英汉词典》

12. Passengers have to pay additional charges for their extra luggages. 旅客们超量携带的行李要额外付费。——来自《简明英汉词典》

13. Please attach these labels to your hand luggages. 请把这些标签系在您的手提行李上。——来自辞典例句

14. It has made me to consider improvements in hand as the greatest of nuisances. 这使我认为亲手去做改造工作是最讨厌不过的事情。——来自辞典例句

15. Motley, for his part, makes his villains excessively villainous and his heros wearisomely heroic. 讲到莫特利, 他把他的坏人讲得过于无赖, 把他的英雄写得过于英勇, 看了使人厌倦。——来自辞典例句

16. The school, through the writings of Menger, disassociated itself from the Germen. 这个学派通过门格尔的著作与德国学派相背离。——来自辞典例句

17. The poor is ailing from inflation. 由于通货膨胀,穷人们处境艰难。——来自《简明英汉词典》

18. Before Ted went to the bed he put out the cat. 特德上床睡觉前,他放出了那只猫。——来自辞典例句




有兴趣的网友可以试一下,凡是你在语法书上或用法书上看到是错误的用法,你到 iciba(爱词霸)上去查一下,说不定就能找到相关的“辞典例句”。

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其它 3 个回答


iCIBA上的例句很多都是来自互联网,其中有很多例句属于并不严谨的口语或非正式文体,不能登大雅之堂,最好不要随意模仿。不过,iCIBA也收录了很多词典例句,这些词典例句基本上都是靠谱的(尤其是一些权威词典),但也不排除有与语法书籍相冲突的例句,若遇这样的例句,建议慎用。如前面网友提到过的:This is the way how he always treats me. 他一贯就是这样对待我的。《简明英汉词典》,又如:

The kind advices are often unpleasant to the ear.好言常常不入耳。来自《现代汉英综合大词典》

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刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

Can we depend on the examples on iCIBA?

My answer is that you may well rely on any illustrative sentence as long as it is labeled "from the dictionary", and that you can doubt it if it is marked "from the Internet".

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蒋红秀   - 英语教师


29. He has thinked they can give him the visa. 我安排汤姆同他们见面。——来自辞典例句(不仅过去分词拼写错误,而且其英文与翻译完全属风马牛不相及

30. You eat this kind of pill to forbid to surpass two balls every time. 你吃这种药丸每次不许超过两丸。——来自辞典例句(这哪是来自辞典例句,简单就是来自中学差生不及格的英语作文

31. She has arrived to age who can gos out herself. 她已经到了可以自己出门的年龄了 。——来自辞典例句(arrived to age? who 的先行词是?gos 这样的拼写都出现了,估计是初一学生可能犯的错误吧


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  • 高晓用   提出于 2018-04-21 07:40
