1 to write about作目的状语却无宾语的疑问与其他疑问

听力句子:I gave you a list of appropriate works of art for you to write about.


1.for you是a list of appropriate works of art的定语还是引导to write about逻辑主语呢?

2.gave you.....for you,我感觉后面的for you是多余的。

3.to write about算是目的状语还是宾语补足语呢?

4.write about为何不是write,介词about后面没有宾语吗?这样不算错吗?如果是写作我会忽略about

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最佳答案 2018-04-19 19:48

听力句子:I gave you a list of appropriate works of art for you to write about.


1.for you是a list of appropriate works of art的定语还是引导to write about逻辑主语呢?

2.gave you.....for you,我感觉后面的for you是多余的。

3.to write about算是目的状语还是宾语补足语呢?

4.write about为何不是write,介词about后面没有宾语吗?这样不算错吗?如果是写作我会忽略about。

【答】I gave you a list of appropriate works of art for you to write about. ——这句话很正确。


1.for you是a list of appropriate works of art的定语还是引导to write about逻辑主语呢?

—— for you是to write about的逻辑主语。然后,整个不定式的复合结构for you to write about作定语,修饰a list of appropriate works。

2.gave you.....for you,我感觉后面的for you是多余的。

—— 这个问题不错。前文已经有了you,显然就是让你去写。for you有些多余,但加上也不错,这样,to write about的逻辑主语更加明确。

3.to write about算是目的状语还是宾语补足语呢?

—— 前面已经说过,整个不定式的复合结构for you to write about作定语,修饰a list of appropriate works。

4.write about为何不是write,介词about后面没有宾语吗?这样不算错吗?

—— 介词是必须接宾语的。其实,about的逻辑宾语就是a list of appropriate works of art。这就是作定语的特征。例如:I have a lot of work to do. (to do作定语,其宾语就是a lot of work);I have some problems to deal with.(不及物动词deal加with,那么,with的宾语就是some problems,这跟write about是一个道理。)

5. 如果是写作我会忽略about。

—— 关于write和write about的区别,请仔细体会这个句子:

I am not a writer, and I can’t write a novel. But I can write about a novel. 我不是作家,我不会写小说。但我可以写小说评论。

我们继续分析,有这样一个句子:I read about the book before. 请问“读书”是read the book,为何还要加一个about呢?在该句中,read about the book不是“读书”,而是“读到关于那本书的介绍”。再比较以下两个句子有何异同:

I’ve read the novel and I think it is very instructive. 我读过那本小说,我认为它很有教育意义。

I’ve read about the novel, but I wonder whether it is worth reading at all. 我读过那本小说的介绍,但我不知道它是否值得一读。

read和read about为何有如此大的差别呢?原来,在read the novel中,read是及物动词,是一种直接的阅读;而在read about the novel中,read是不及物动词,是一种间接的阅读,可以理解为在它后面省略了something, 即:read something about the novel。又如:

I know about/of him, but I don’t know him. 我听说过他,但我不认识他。

We heard about/of the pop singer, but unfortunately we haven’t heard her sing. 我们听说过这位流行歌手,但很遗憾我们没有亲耳听她演唱过。

I am not a writer, and I can’t write a novel. But I can write about a novel. 我不是作家,我不会写小说。但我可以写小说评论。

【注意】网友的句子,write about 就是让你去写关于 a list of appropriate works of art 的评论!




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