
“We have a visitor, Johann,” the girl’s mother said, and Johann turned towards me. But when he saw me, he stepped back, with a look of wonder on his face.

老师,he stepped back 是“他向后退了”的意思吗?

a look,look是名词吗?of wonder 是作它的定语吗?那on his face 是逻辑状语,整个 with 短语是独立主格结构吗?

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最佳答案 2018-04-14 14:27

1.stepped back是“向后退”的意思。

2.a look of wonder on his face“脸上惊奇的神色”。look是名词,of wonder是作它的定语,on his face不是逻辑状语而是补语。

3.with a look of wonder on his face不是独立主格结构。有人将“with+宾语+补语”当作独立主格结构,这是不对的。“with+名词/代词宾格+补语”是介词with的复合结构,严格地讲,就是介词短语,而独立主格结构是“名词/代词主格+补语”。它们都可以在句中作状语,表时间、原因、条件、方式或伴随情况等。另外,介词with的复合结构还可以作定语,而独立主格结构不能;独立主格结构作状语可以表示补充性说明,而with的复合结构不能。如:

The little boy with nothing on rushed out of the house. 那个一丝不挂的小男孩跑出了屋子。(作定语,限制修饰boy,不用独立主格结构)

All the stones are very heavy, one of them weighing over 3 tons. 所有的石头都很重,其中有一块重达三吨多。(作状语,补充说明,不用with的复合结构)

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  • ruiqiang 提出于 2018-04-14 10:03
