
着迷的同义词群还有attractive ,charming ,以及glamorous。麻烦详细区别一下谢谢。
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最佳答案 2014-02-15 23:48


I watched her, fascinated. 我着迷地注视着她。

He gazed at them, fascinated. 他饶有兴趣地凝视着他们。

He was fascinated by the woman sitting opposite.他被坐在对面的女士迷住了。

Listeners will be fascinated to hear he has lost more than 50 lbs. 听众兴致勃勃地听他讲他体重减轻了五十多磅。

从搭配上看,fascinated通常跟 by with 引起的短语。如:

She is fascinated by this works. 这个作品使她着迷。

I’m fascinated with [by] Buddhist ceremonies. 我对佛教仪式极感兴趣。

The child was fascinated with its new toy. 孩子被他的新玩具吸引住了。

captivated的意思也是“使人着迷的”,多指具有极大的魅力,从而使人着迷。从用法上看,captivated 的动作意味较强,有较强的过去分词特征(其后通常接介词by引出的短语)。如:

He was captivated by her beauty. 他被她的美色迷住了。

I was captivated by her brilliant mind. 我为她的聪慧所倾倒。

The kindergarten children were captivated by the variety of animals in the zoo. 幼儿园的孩子们被动物园里的各种动物吸引住了。

attractive属常用词,其意为“有吸引力的”,语气不如fascinated, captivated强。如:

This is an idea that I find very attractive. 我觉得这个主意非常有吸引力。

He no longer found her physically attractive. 他认为她的外表已经失去吸引力。

She looked attractive and beautifully dressed. 她看上去很迷人,穿得也很漂亮。

She had grown more attractive with age. 随着年龄的增长,她变得更加妩媚动人。

You can’t deny that it seems a very attractive idea. 无可否认那个想法看来很有吸引力。

Schools must try to make science more attractive to youngsters. 学校必须尽力使科学更能吸引年轻人。


The hotel has a charming roof garden. 旅店里有一个漂亮的屋顶花园。

She looked small and gentle and altogether charming. 她看起来小巧文雅,十分迷人。

The village is charming and the surrounding scenery superb. 村庄很迷人,周围的景色也异常秀丽。

She is very charming, and skilled in the art of persuasion. 她很有魅力,而且很懂得如何说服别人。

Beneath her charming exterior lies a very determined woman. 在她迷人的外貌下面是一个意志坚定的女人。


Canoeing is not seen as glamorous in the way that skiing is. 人们认为划独木舟不如滑雪刺激。

Working in publishing turned out to be less than glamorous. 事实证明在出版界工作远不是件有趣的事。

Our special supplement is packed with inspirational ideas for healthy and glamorous hair. 我们的特别增刊中充满了让秀发健康靓丽的奇思妙想。

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  • 哈里路亚 提出于 2014-02-15 21:02
