3 as to与as for的区别

关于 as to 与 as for 的区别,网上有不少介绍,但感觉都没有完全讲清楚。


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最佳答案 2018-04-13 08:20

1. 用于句首的 as for 与 as to 意义很相近,它们都能引出一个与前一个话题稍微有些不同的话题。但 as for 在语体上不如 as to 正式,并且着重话题的转换,也就是说,它所引导的是前面尚未提到过的新的事情,因此,它不能用于文章的开头。

We had a delightful weekend in the country. As for the traffic, we had no difficulty.(CGEL)在乡下我们度过了一个愉快的周末。至于交通,我们没遇到任何困难。

Much pasture land is under water; and as for the grain, most of that has been ruined.(CEU) 大部分牧场都进了水,至于谷物,则大部分都被冲毁了。

As to the journey, we must decide about that later.(Palmer)关于旅行,我们必须以后再作决定。

As to that, I haven’t decided yet. (LDCE)关于那件事,我尚未做出决定。

2. as to 常常与 wh-疑问词引导的动词不定式和名词从句连用(有时可省略),而 as for 却没有此种用法:

Nobody could decide (as to) what to do. (LDCE)谁也不能决定该做什么。

He’s very uncertain as to whether it’s the right job for him. (LDCE)关于他究竟是否适合做这项工作,他实在拿不准。

The numbers are a hint as to how to decipher the rest of the message.(Dan Brown,The Da Vinci Code)这些数字是破译其他信息的线索。(《达.芬奇密码》)



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as for, as to, as with这是三个很常用的短语介词(或成语介词)。

1.   as for, as to "就......而论;至于......",介绍新话题或对已谈过的事作进一步的说明,放在句首。这样用时,as for和as to没有什么区别;但as for似乎更常用一些。

As for me, I'd rather stay at home. 至于我,我想我还不如留在家里。

2.   以下三种情况要用as to。

① 表示about“关于,有关”的意义。多放在句中,后接名词、代词或名词性从句。

He wrote to me as to his work and study. 他写信告诉我有关他的工作和学习的情况。

② 表示according to“根据,按照”的含义。

They sorted the apples as to size and color. 他们按照大小和颜色将鸡蛋进行分类。

③ 表示in proportion to“与......成比例,与......相称”的意义。

Her expenditure is not as to her income. 她的收入和开支不相称。

3.  as with“正如,与……一样”

As with what I said, he failed again. 正如我所说的,他又一次失败了。

▲ as is the case with常用来构成比较状语从句。例:

As is the case with a lazy schoolboy, Tom always leaves what should be done today for tomorrow. 正像懒惰的小学生一样,汤姆总是把今天该做的事留到明天。

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  • 王英   提出于 2018-04-09 16:40
