
The people are willing to help. 这些人愿意帮忙。
The willing people came to help. 这些热心的人过来帮忙。

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最佳答案 2014-10-01 15:37


1. ready or eager to help 愿意或乐于相助的(可用作表语或定语):

willing assistants 主动帮忙的人

Willing volunteers formed teams ofhelpers to carry everything in.  热心的志愿者组成了协助小组把所有的东西搬进来。

2. having no objection (to doingsth); prepared 不反对(做某事),愿意(用作表语):

Are you willing to acceptresponsibility? 你愿意承担责任吗?

He is willing to confront problemsdirectly. 他愿意直接面对问题。

They appear willing to talk to us. 他们看起来愿意跟我们交谈。

They are willing to undertake anew enterprise. 他们愿意开展一项新计划。

Managers are willing to hold adialogue with union leaders. 管理层愿意与工会领导进行对话。

3. done, given, etc readily orgladly 愿意或喜欢做的、给的等(用作定语):

willing co-operation, help,support, etc 自愿的合作、帮助、支持等

There’s plenty of work for willinghands. 勤快的人总有大量的活儿。

He recruited a band of willinghelpers. 他招募了一群乐意帮忙的人。

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  • 1 收藏,2705 浏览
  • 褚军   提出于 2014-10-01 15:25
