1 两个或以上的状语何时用连词连接


As soon as he landed on the inflated landing mat, and withthe crowd on its feet, Mike immediately began preparing for his next attempt at flight.




He sat leaning against the back of the seat with his legs stretched out straight in front of him.


其中,现在分词短语leaning… 和with 复合结构都是状语修饰主句he sat。曹老师已在原题评论区做了简单批注,可是我还是不明白不是“并列关系”指的是什么?希望老师在此详细解答一下2个或以上状语存在时,何时用连词连接,尤其是在with前面。非常感谢!

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最佳答案 2018-02-23 11:45

He sat leaning against the back of the seat with his legs stretched out straight in front of him.

leaning against the back of the seat是必具性状语,表示sat的方式。

with复合结构为伴随情况状语,修饰sat leaning against the back of the seat.


另一种分析是:with复合结构修饰的是leaning against the back of the seat, 而不是修饰sat, 即with复合结构是leaning现在分词短语的一部分,因此不能用and。

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刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

As soon as he landed on the inflated landing mat, and with the crowd on its feet, Mike immediately began preparing for his next attempt at flight.

【答】As soon as he landed on the inflated landing mat 是时间从句;with the crowd on its feet 是“with 复合结构”。从作用上看,前者是“时间状语”,后者是“方式状语”, 它们都是修饰后面主句的谓语动词;是两个并列的成分,and 不可省略。

He sat leaning against the back of the seat with his legs stretched out straight in front of him.

【答】leaning against the back of the seat with his legs stretched out straight in front of him,是现在分词短语,作“伴随状语”,修饰谓语动词sat。其中,with his legs stretched out straight in front of him 是“with 复合结构”,作“方式状语”,修饰leaning。构成格式:with + 名词 + 过去分词短语。

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  • xiaofeng 提出于 2018-02-22 21:06
