15 than used to be与as used to be从句中的主语省略问题

本站曾经讨论过 than used to 与 than they used to 结构中主语的省略问题:






但我这里有一个类似的问题,特请教各位专家!下面句子中的 as 后面的主语可以省略吗?

Lewis isn’t quite as fast as he used to be. 

My car’s not as reliable as it used to be. 

Group therapy is not as popular as it used to be. 

We all know that life is not as easy as it used to be. 

The fishing out there isn’t as good as it used to be. 

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最佳答案 2018-02-27 17:45

Lewis isn’t quite as fast as he used to be. 

My car’s not as reliable as it used to be. 

Group therapy is not as popular as it used to be. 

We all know that life is not as easy as it used to be. 

The fishing out there isn’t as good as it used to be. 

以上五个句子中的 as 比较分句中的主语 he 或 it 均不可省略。若省略即为语法错误。

Huddleston 的 CGEL 明确指出,比较分句省略主语而保留谓语动词只有在以下两种情况下是允许的:

1 分句的主语是主句比较项的对应项(此时的主语是必须省略的);

2 分句的主语是外置的主语从句(由虚指 it 作形式主语)。

以上五个句子中的 as 分句的主语均不是比较项的对应项,不可以省略主语而保留谓语动词。

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其它 2 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

Lewis isn’t quite as fast as he used to be. 

My car’s not as reliable as it used to be. 

Group therapy is not as popular as it used to be. 

We all know that life is not as easy as it used to be. 

The fishing out there isn’t as good as it used to be. 

【答】为了理解方便,我们有必要简化比较从句中的谓语部分。其实,比较从句中的used to be 实际就是was,人们用used to be,主要是为了强调“今昔对比”而已。

1. Lewis isn’t quite as fast as he was. 

2. My car’s not as reliable as it was. 

3. Group therapy is not as popular as it was. 

4. We all know that life is not as easy as it was. 

5. The fishing out there isn’t as good as it was. 


1. 刘易斯走路并不像以前那么快了。

2. 我的车不像以前那么安全可靠了。

3. 集体疗法并不像原来那样受欢迎了。

4. 我们都知道生活不像以前那么容易了。

5. 到那儿钓鱼并不像原来那样顺当了。



(二)as 从句的it 作主语,指代主句中相应的名词,不可省略。


(四)所有的used to be(或was)中的表语空缺,可以假想由as 充当。

(五)以上各句中,当主句被否定后,连词as 翻译成“不像”或“不如”,均可。以上5句的翻译,还可以用“不如”,替代“不像”,意思不变。


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陈才   - 英语教师


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  • 邹德浩   提出于 2018-02-03 13:15
