2 have to / has to 可以表示推测吗

表示肯定推测时,通常要用 must,比如:

He must be doing his homework.

You must be joking.

请问这样用的 must 可以换成 have to / has to 吗?

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最佳答案 2018-01-26 21:29

表示肯定推测时,通常要用 must,比如:

He must be doing his homework.

You must be joking.

请问这样用的 must 可以换成 have to / has to 吗?

【答】可以。例如:He has to be a kind man.他一定是位好心人。(= He must be a kind man.)/ There has to be some reason. 一定有某种理由。/He has to be kidding you.他一定是在取笑你。(摘自商务印书馆《英汉多功能词典》新编升级版)


have (got) to 与 must 都可以用来表示推论(“必定”、“一定”、“准是”)。但是, have (got) to 强调从客观上推论,因此,“逻辑上的必然性”的意义比 must 更强。请对比:

1.He must be hungry.他一定饿了。

2.If Bley was aboard, he had to have heard me.如果布雷在船上,他一定会听到我的喊声。

3.She must be asleep (= She can't be awake.)她准是睡着了。

4.There has (got) to be a first time for everything. 任何事情都必然有一个开头。

5.A:I'm the worst runner in the race.There were five runners and I came fifth. 

   B:Don't worry. Someone had to come last. 



6.There had to be some solution to the problem.这个问题总得有某种解决方法。

7.He was standing upright, so he had to be all right. 他挺直地站在那里,所以他一定没有发生什么事。


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其它 2 个回答

沅老师   - 英语教师

你的句子用 have to 也可以的,但不是普通用法:

He has to be doing his homework.

You have to be joking.


He has to be hiding in the woods.

I think you have to be telling a lie.

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陈才   - 英语教师

表示肯定推测时,通常要用 must,比如:

He must be doing his homework.

You must be joking.

请问这样用的 must 可以换成 have to / has to 吗?


(1)must 主观上必须,表示肯定推测,一定,肯定,必定

(2)have to 客观上不得不

must 与 have to 的区别

情态动词musthave to都有必须的含义,它们的用法如下:

 (一)、 must “必须应该的用法:

1.must 表示必须应该例如:

We must protect our environment.(我们必须保护环境。)

Everyone must obey the rule.(人人必须遵守制度。)

2. must的否定形式must not表示不应该禁止不准。语气比较强烈。例如:

You mustn’t speak like that.(你不应该像那样讲话。)

You mustn’t be late for school.(你不应该上学迟到。)

3.在回答must的问句时,肯定形式用must来回答,但否定形式用needn’t don’t have to来回答。而不用mustn’t来回答。例如:

——Must I be home before 8 o’clock?(8点之前我必须回家吗?)

——Yes, you must.         No, you needn’t./No, you don’t have to.

 (是,你必须。)        (不,你不必。)

(二)、have to 表示必须不得不例如:

 He has to stay in bed for 3 or 4 days.(他必须卧床休息三四天。)

 We will have to get up early tomorrow.(明天我们必须早起。)

补充:have got to have to的口语形式。例如:

 I’ve got to leave for Nanjing.(我不得不去南京。)

 Must have to的区别:

 must表示的是说话人的主观看法,而have to则表示的是客观需要。Must一般只有现在时,而have to有更多的形式。

 I must go now.(主观看法)

 My mother is ill, so I have to go now.(客观需要)

 Have to have got to的区别: 

  have got to虽然是have to的口语形式,但二者在用法上有严格的区别: have to的前面还可以用情态动词或助动词,而have got to却不可以; have to的否定形式为don’t/doesn’t /didn’t +have to,疑问式为Do/Does/Did + 主语 + have to…? have got to的否定形式是在have后加 not,疑问式把have提前。例如:

We don’t have to go home.         

Do you have to go home?

We haven’t got to go home.       

Have you got to go home?

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