2 make mistake用得对吗

在前面一个问题的讨论留言中,见到分析说:make mistake, make a mistake, make mistakes 三种表达都是正确的,属于动词短语。请专家老师分析一下为什么 make mistake 也是对的?谢谢!


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最佳答案 2018-01-21 22:03

我觉得 make mistake, make a mistake, make mistakes 这三个表达中,后两者是可以说的,而第一个不可以,因为 mistake 为可数名词,不可以这样单独使用——要么其前有冠词,要么用复数。如:

He was frightened of making mistakes. 他怕出错。

You make mistakes if you do things in a hurry. 做事匆匆忙忙就容易出错。

Everybody makes a mistake once in a while. 每个人都会偶尔犯错误。

Only Jim could make a mistake like that. 只有吉姆会犯这样的错误。

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其它 3 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

In order to make a mistake intentionally, English Expert has made this mistake. Actually, he knew that it was a mistake, but he designedly “made mistake” instead of “made a mistake”. Nevertheless, we should forgive him this once. But I hope he will never make such a mistake again.

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陈才   - 英语教师

(1)make mistake  犯错

 Excuse me, sometimes I make mistake when I speak English.  

请原谅, 我讲英语有时会说错.

We can't criticize and ought to encourage them if kids make mistake.  


If you make mistake in your job, you'll be fired. Right?  

那是不是工作中有失误就会被炒鱿鱼 呢 ?

If beautiful is a mistake, i " d rather make mistake again. "  

如果长得帅也是一种错, 我宁愿一错再错.

We are all liable to make mistake when tired.  


We often make mistake in pronunciation, do not we ?  

我们发音常有错误, 对 吧 ?

Silence never make mistake.  


Third, do not afraid to make mistake.  

第三, 不要怕犯错误!

All men are liable to make mistake.  


Anybody could make mistake.  


You won't make mistake according to the instructions.  


Computer won't make mistake, bagman importunate is saying.  

电脑是不会出错的, 推销员坚持的说着.

I really have expected 3 - 1, or 3 - 2 if i was going to make mistake.  


There is no reason for me to get upset when I make mistake.  


Oberon : It's ok, now you can finish it. Just be careful, do not make mistake again.  

没关系, 现在你可以完成这件事. 要小心一点, 不要再犯错

(2)make a mistake 犯错误; 弄错

We did make a mistake in not having enough soundproofing upstairs.  


It's easy to make a mistake .  


I'd always played a defensive game, waiting for my opponent to make a mistake.  


Be careful or else you will make a mistake.  


When you make a mistake, cross it out; don't use parentheses.  

当你写错时, 把它划掉, 不要用括号括起来.

He labored under the delusion that he could never make a mistake.  


Don't make a mistake in your spelling.  


 Read the questions carefully so that you may not make a mistake in the test.  考试时要仔细看清楚题目,以免犯错.

Did Buchanan make a mistake by reinstating Morris too soon?  


Did I make a mistake when I made you my partner in this deal?  

自从我们计画合作之后,我有犯过什麽错 吗 ?

Next time you make a mistake, act quickly and decisively.  

当你下次犯了错误, 就要马上果断地行动起来.

 He admitted to his employer that he have make a mistake.  


When you make a mistake, you offer amends instead of excuses.  

当你犯错的时候, 你要弥补而不是找借口.

Will you correct me if I make a mistake?  

如果错了请你给我改正,好 吗 ?

 How can you make a mistake when dividing 36 by 4?  


(3)make mistakes犯错; 出岔子

I am willing to admit that I do make mistakes.  


People who make mistakes can be given the sack the same day.  


We are all liable to make mistakes when we're tired.  


No mathematician is infallible; he may make mistakes, but he must not hedge. 没有一位数学家是一贯正确的; 他可能会犯错误, 但他绝不会回避任何一个问题.

If you always push him too hard, he may make mistakes.  

要是你总逼他太紧, 他可能会出错.

Beginners are too apt to make mistakes in grammar.  


Stop breathing down my neck , I make mistakes when I'm being watched.  

别再盯着我,一有人看着我, 我就会出错.

We tend to make mistakes when we do things in a hurry.  


We're fallible , so we make mistakes.  


The best of us can make mistakes.  


We all make mistakes.  


Men make mistakes; horses stumble.  

人有错手, 马有失蹄.

Not only do humans make mistakes, they make mistakes as part of their everyday behavior. 

人不仅会犯错误, 而且犯错误是人们日常行为的一部分.

I've finally nailed the myth of his infallibility, ie shown that he can make mistakes.  


Sometimes I make mistakes when I speak English.  



In view of the fact that all the expert teachers think unanimously that "make mistake" is erroneously stated and it is suggested that the netizens who caught sight of its this usage ignore the usage which is considered incorrect. 

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English Expert seems to be unwilling to admit his mistakes unless they are pointed out by Mr. Liu, English Q&A.

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