5 by plane与by planes的区别

示“用飞机”,英语通常是用 by plane 的。如:

We left by plane for Beijing. 我们乘飞机前往北京。

Do you like travelling by plane? 你喜欢乘飞机旅行吗?

He hates travelling by plane. 他不喜欢坐飞机旅行。

You can get there just as cheaply by plane. 你坐飞机到那儿同样便宜。

但今天在一本词典上查 blitz(闪电战, 大规模空袭)时,发现其上的英英解释是 bombing by planes。这里为什么是用复数形式的by planes 呢?

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最佳答案 2018-01-18 21:12

by plane:表示方式。这时plane 不再指某架具体飞机。表示交通方式,不加任何冠词,不用复数,具有抽象意义。

How did you arrive in New York?     By plane, not by train.

by planes:planes 表示前文动作的施事者,指具体的飞机,可以加冠词、限定词,使用复数形式。例如:

The visitors, brought by planes, trains, and buses, walk through the city in groups.



They are always afflicted with the noise made by the passing planes.



【注】以上两句中,实际就是被动语态用法:be brought by planes;be made by planes

planes 是前文动作的施事者。变成主动语态,by 就没了:

Planes brought the visitors.

The passing planes make the noise.

但是,下句表示方式的by 无论如何去不了:

She left by plane for Berlin. 




We will transport the goods by plane. (正)

We will transport the goods by planes. (误)

Planes will transport the goods. (正)

The goods will be transported by planes. (正)

此外,由by 引出的动作施事者(行为主体),还可以直接放在名词后作定语。例如:

books by Lu Xun = books written by Lu Xun (鲁迅写的书)

bombing by planes = bombing performed by planes = (由飞机实施的轰炸)

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其它 1 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师

表示“用飞机”,英语通常是用 by plane 的。如:

We left by plane for Beijing. 我们乘飞机前往北京。

Do you like travelling by plane? 你喜欢乘飞机旅行吗?

He hates travelling by plane. 他不喜欢坐飞机旅行。

You can get there just as cheaply by plane. 你坐飞机到那儿同样便宜。

但今天在一本词典上查 blitz(闪电战, 大规模空袭)时,发现其上的英英解释是 bombing by planes。这里为什么是用复数形式的by planes 呢?


by+各种交通工具前面不可以加任何冠词,其原因为,各种交通工具不是真的具体某个交通工具,而是一种抽象意义的交通方式,属于一个抽象名词,既然是抽象名词,前面不能加冠词。by plane 表示一种交通方式

(1)by plane 乘飞机(抽象名词)

She left by plane for Berlin.  


Are you going out by plane or by ship?  


I would rather travel by train than by plane.  


(2)in the plane 在飞机上(普通名词)

Decompression blew out a window in the plane.  


Luckily, there was an extra space in the plane.  


(3)the planes 这些飞机(普通名词)

The planes are powered by Rolls Royce engines.  


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  • 邹德浩   提出于 2018-01-16 15:16
