2 stand back是动态的还是静态的

请问:stand back 是动态的还是静态的?

比如:She stood back. 她站在后面(静态)。 / 她往后面站(动态)


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最佳答案 2017-12-26 17:09

“静态动词”,如果跟动态的“小品词”相遇,那么就变成了“动态”的动词词组。例如,动词lie, stand, sit, stay, think 等通常表示“状态”,在跟“动态”小品词结合后,则由“静态变成动态”。

试比较:第1句表示“静态”概念,第2句则表示“动态” 概念。

1. She lay on the sofa for a whole day. 她在沙发上躺了一整天。

2. He lay down on the sofa as soon as he returned home. 他一回家,就倒在沙发上。

1. He stood there without movement.  他站在那儿,一动不动。

2. The crowd stood back and let the ambulance go.  人群退后让救护车开走。

1. I think her proposal very useful. 我认为她的建议很有用处。

2. I am thinking over her proposal.  我正在考虑她的建议。

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其它 1 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师

stand back 靠后站,避开(动态动词)

The policeman ordered us to stand back.  


The policeman asked the spectators to stand back.  


They were ordered to stand back.  


'stand back, " yelled one of the officers, leaning over the platform railing.  

“ 靠后站, " 一个警察大声叫道,从驾驶台的栏杆上探出身来.

'stand back, now, " they yelled. " Get out of this.  

“ 赶快靠后站, " 他们大叫道, " 滚开.

Stand back and look objectively at the problem.  


Stand back to back and we'll see which of you is taller.  


Stand back! This dog bites.  

往后站! 这狗会咬人.

Please don't crowd, stand back.  

请不要挤上来, 往后退.

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  • 包迪军   提出于 2017-12-22 09:19
