1 英语语法解释(it takes to 句型)

看到一篇外文上面写:A rising country should understand the embarrassment of an old declining empire and at times the eccentric acts it takes to hide such embarrassment

这个句子中的 the eccentric acts it takes to hide such embarrassment 中是 it takes the eccentric acts to hide such embarrassment?这么理解对吗?具体如何理解?

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最佳答案 2017-12-22 13:40


看到一篇外文上面写:A rising country should understand the embarrassment of an old declining empire and at times the eccentric acts it takes to hide such embarrassment。



主语:A rising country (一个正在崛起大国)

谓语should understand (应该体谅)

宾语(1):the embarrassment (尴尬)

修饰宾语(1)的后置定语:of an old declining empire(一个老牌帝国衰落)

引导2个并列宾语的并列连词:and (以及

宾语(2):the eccentric acts(一些古怪举动)

修饰宾语(2)的后置定语:at times it takes to hide such embarrassment .(为掩饰这样尴尬它时不时做出的) (关系代词:that/which(在定语从句作动词takes的宾语可以省略


名词短语:the eccentric acts结构为:名词+定语从句语法结构分析如下

the eccentric acts that/which it takes to hide such embarrassment.

名词:the eccentric acts



频度状语:at times(有时候,时不时,用来修饰定语从句谓语动词takes发生频率


目的状语:to hide such embarrassment(动词不定式作目的状语

备注(2)take to也是一个短语搭配

takes to 喜欢; 习惯于…; 开始从事; 觉得(某事)容易学

(1)(尤指短时间接触后)喜欢上,喜爱 (英文解释:If you take to someone or something, you like them, especially after knowing them or thinking about them for only a short time.)

Did the children take to him?.


The first series was really bad. But for some reason the public took to it. 


(2)养成(做…)的习惯;开始定时(做…)(英文解释: If you take to doing something, you begin to do it as a regular habit.)

They had taken to wandering through the streets arm-in-arm. 



It takes (sb) time/energy/etc. to do sth.这个句型中,it不是人称代词,而是形式主语,不定式为真正主语。take的语义为需要,可以后接单宾语或双宾语。例如:

It took (me) 10 months to translate this book.

The translation of this book took (me) 10 months.



我认为这里it为代词,指代“老牌帝国empire”不同意您说的是it takes sb +some time/sth to do sth结构,不定式不是作句子真正主语,而是作句子目的状语,用来修饰谓语动词动作发生的目的。

It takes the eccentric acts to hide such embarrassment.(不定式作目的状语)

=To hide such embarrassment,it takes the eccentric acts.


备注(2):不定式作主语,除了有形式主语it放在句首之外,不定式作真正主语之外,而且还要有“不定式逻辑主语(出现/隐藏在句子中for sb/of sb)即不定式动作的执行者。

下面这个句子就属于it takes sb some time to do sth结构

(1)It took them two years to finish the work.

=To finish the work took them two years.

(2)To finish the task will take me seven days.

=It will take me seven days to finish the work.

(3)It takes me quite a long time to understand the meaning of the painting。

= To understand the meaning of the painting takes me quite a long time.

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刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编


A rising country should understand the embarrassment of an old declining empire and at times the eccentric acts it takes to hide such embarrassment.



A rising country should understand the embarrassment of an old declining empire and at times the eccentric acts it takes to hide such embarrassment.

= A rising country should understand the embarrassment of an old declining empire and at times the eccentric acts the empire takes to hide such embarrassment.

表面看,to hide such embarrassment 作真实主语,语法不错,但这个句子的不定式缺少逻辑主语。放在这个语境中,不定式不能没有逻辑主语,也就是说 takes the eccentric acts 不能仅仅是不定式所为,需要有人去做。


It takes a lot of practice to play the piano well. 



A person takes a lot of practice to play the piano well. 



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A rising country 主语 should understand 谓语 the embarrassment of an old declining empire 宾语1 and at times the eccentric acts 宾语2 (that) it takes to hide such embarrassment 宾语2的定语从句.

网友对句子的理解只差一点就到位了。想一想为什么the eccentric acts会出现在it takes之前呢?必须有原因的。因为the eccentric acts为名词词组是should understand的第二个宾语,后面是省略了关系代词的定语从句。加上关系代词马上就清楚了。



It takes (sb) time/energy/etc. to do sth.这个句型中,it不是人称代词,而是形式主语,不定式为真正主语。take的语义为需要,可以后接单宾语或双宾语。例如:

It took (me) 10 months to translate this book.

The translation of this book took (me) 10 months.



这个句子中的at times不是修饰名词词组the eccentric acts的,而是频度状语,修饰省略了的should understand的。and at times should understand the eccentric acts...。hui


向陈老师道歉。是我看错了。it在这里确实指empire,为人称代词。因此take不是需要的意思,而是take actions, take a measure等“采取”行动的意思。不定式为目的状语。

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