1 句子结构分析和翻译

Part should be principled.Unleashing a witch-hunt against Chinese people would be wrong;it would also make Western claims to stand for the rule of law sound hollow. Calls from American politicians for tit-for-tat "reciprocity", over visas for academics and NGO workers,say,would be equally self-defeating.Yet ignoring manipulatation in the hope that China will be more friendly in the future would only invite the next jab.

请问老师加粗部分句子的结构是什么样的?over……是什么成分?这里的 say 应该怎么理解?顺便请老师翻译一下这句话,谢谢老师!

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最佳答案 2017-12-19 17:43

Calls主语 from American politicians主语的定语1 for tit-for-tat "reciprocity"主语的定语2, over visas for academics and NGO workers插入性定语修饰reciprocity,say插入语,would be系词 equally self-defeating表语.

over visas for academics and NGO workers,say,这个介词短语是举例说明reciprocity,可以分析为插入性定语,say为插入语。


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其它 1 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师

Part should be principled.Unleashing a witch-hunt against Chinese people would be wrong;it would also make Western claims to stand for the rule of law sound hollow. Calls from American politicians for tit-for-tat "reciprocity", over visas for academics and NGO workers,say,would be equally self-defeating.Yet ignoring manipulatation in the hope that China will be more friendly in the future would only invite the next jab.




(1)calls from 来自...呼吁

(2)American politicans 美国政治家/政客

(3)tit-for-tat 针锋相对;以牙还牙

(4)reciprocity n.  相互性; 相互作用; 互给; 互惠

(5)visa   n.(护照的)签证

(6)academic   n.学者;高校科研人员

(6)NGO=(non-governmental organization)非政府组织

(7)equally   adv.相等地;同样地

(8)self-defeating   adj.适得其反的;弄巧成拙的;事与愿违的,自拆台脚,作茧自缚.自取灭亡

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  • qiaoheng 提出于 2017-12-19 12:45
