

1. In earnings calls public companies now mention AI far more often than "big data."

这里的earnings calls 是什么意思?

2. They have tonnes of data, oodles of computing power and boffins aplenty—especially inChina, which expects to charge ahead.

这句话什么意思?(句中的boffins aplenty? charge ahead?)

3. If this approach is widely applicable, or if future AI systems can be trained using sparser amounts of data, the tech giants' edge is blunted.


4. Much will depend on whether regulations prise open their grip.


5. It is too early to know how good that will be for competition, but not to anticipate the magic ingredient that will determine the outcome: the importance ,accessibility and openness of data.

这是原文的最后一句,请问这句话的后半句“but not……”应该怎么翻译?跟前半句有联系吗?


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最佳答案 2017-12-14 09:13

1. In earnings calls public companies now mention AI far more often than "big data."


earnings call:收益报告。


2. They have tonnes of data, oodles of computing power and boffins aplenty—especially  inChina, which expects to charge ahead.


boffins aplenty:很多研发人员。boffin:科学家(研究人员),aplenty: 表语形容词,很多的。

charge ahead:charge动词,攻击,冲锋。ahead副词,在前面。在前面冲,当领头羊。

3. If this approach is widely applicable, or if future AI systems can be trained using sparser amounts of data, the tech giants' edge is blunted.

The tech giants' edge is blunted: 这些科技巨头的优势就不明显了。


be blunted: 变钝,没有棱角,引申为优势不明显。

4. Much will depend on whether regulations prise open their grip.

prise open their grip=prise their grip open:用力掰开他们握紧的拳头,引申为突破他们的控制。

5. It is too early to know how good that will be for competition, but not to anticipate the magic ingredient that will determine the outcome: the importance ,accessibility and openness of data.


but not to anticipate...=but it is not too early to anticipate. 这是并列句中的承前省略。

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陈才   - 英语教师


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  • qiaoheng 提出于 2017-12-12 23:06
